Frequently Asked Questions
All FAQ's
Why is this app called CliquePrize®? What does it mean?
Why does location matter to CliquePrize® Small Business Owners?
Location matters because for most small businesses with a physical location, your target repeat paying customers generally live within 20 miles from your small business. Therefore, the fight for leads is micro and local. With each promotion on CliquePrize®, you are automatically given your base Metro Market at no additional cost. More importantly, however, CliquePrize® uses patent-pending technology that leverages Apple Location Services to help ensure your target Contestants that enter your promotion are in fact local. Thus, the app does its best to help you target prospects that live in the local area and can actually become repeat paying customers.
How does CliquePrize® itself promote my promotion?
CliquePrize® automatically promotes every public promotion on all of our social media sites. We try our best to help you obtain Contestants for you at no additional cost. We link directly to your Bullseye! screen to each promotion you run.
There are however more paid promotional options available to you. You can hire our in house digital marketing agency called Digital Media and our team can assist you with Google, Facebook and many other paid media ads to drive additional entrants for the cost of media plus service.
Another service we have available is called GeoFencing. This involves targeting iPhone users on their phones based on their physical location. For example, suppose you want to target customers of a competitor who physically walked into their store or location. Our geo technology will capture this and target them with a mobile ad upon exit. It’s a great passive way to offer a free trial such as an Enter to Win digital promotion to get your target audience a chance to win a free trial of your product or service.
What do I get with the base package when I use CliquePrize® to run a giveaway?
With each giveaway on CliquePrize®, Sponsors automatically get 1 (ONE) metro market, the ability to customize your giveaway with your own graphics, rules and privacy/terms or you can use our templates, select winner(s) and fulfill prizes. Or CliquePrize® can select winners for you. For example, a prize winner could visit your business and show you the winning QR code for you to scan (i.e. a digital prize) or you could mail a physical prize to the prize winner who will scan the QR code inside the FedEx, UPS or USPS package. We will supply the QR code for you to print.
Alternatively, if you run a Private giveaway, you also get a FREE poster with a QR code to display inside your business. This poster will promote the giveaway just to your own customers and not the entire area. The Poster will also list the 4 digit unlock code in case the QR scanner is not working on the Contestants iPhone.
If you want Contestant data (first name, last name, email, mobile and zip), each record can be purchased started at $1/record after the giveaway ends in the post-promotion phase. You will never pay for the same record twice and the data will be emailed to you via a .csv file.
Every small business can create a free Bullseye! Page on CliquePrize®, a dedicated space showcasing essential information about your small business and promotions. Each Bullseye! Page includes:
- Business Address: Integrated with Google Maps for seamless navigation
- Business Summary: A quick overview of your products and/or services
- Website and Social Media Links: Direct traffic to your digital platforms
- Active Promotions: Display all current CliquePrize® giveaways in one convenient location
Sponsors can reserve a free custom handle for their Bullseye! Page on a first-come, first-serve basis. For instance, if your small business is called Ray’s Bagels, you can claim Once reserved, no other small business can take this from you. This URL will redirect Contestants directly to your Bullseye! Page, streamlining the process for the one-click to Enter to Win process.
As a Sponsor, how do I use CliquePrize®? Is there any training provided?
Yes absolutely. Our brand new Sponsor Training Video has all the step by step instructions on how to use the CliquePrize® iPhone mobile app as a Sponsor. It’s approximately 23 minutes long.
How much do CliquePrize® metro markets cost and how do they work?
With each giveaway on CliquePrize®, Sponsors automatically reach their base metro market based on their primary office zip code but can purchase up to 20 additional metro markets at $49/market through the App Store. Metro markets are determined by CliquePrize® based on the most populated cities (US Population) for each state. Metro markets target and match Contestants based on 60-90 miles (within 1.5 hours) radius from their indicated zip code. Why? Because the goal of CliquePrize® is to reach local entrants so that your small business or artist can acquire repeat customers or fans. Beyond 20 metro markets, CliquePrize® offers National Promotions (all markets in every state) for Plans B & C. Private promotions (Plan A) do not offer Metro Markets as they are unlocked using an invite code from the Sponsor.
Are there any tax implications with prize giveaways on CliquePrize®?
Not if the prize is valued under $600. Then, there's nothing to report to Uncle Sam. However, if the prize is over $600 in ARV (Approximate Retail Value) then US Federal Law requires that you issue a 1099 to the winning Contestant(s) of that specific prize. All official rules on CliquePrize® are required to list the ARV based on market value at the time of the promotion. CliquePrize® does not offer any prizes from Sponsors with an ARV over $1000 as many US states require the Sponsor to post a public bond to secure the promotion in those instances.
Can I give away prizes to more than 1 (ONE) winner on CliquePrize®?
Yes absolutely. It's a built-in feature to indicate how many winners the giveaway will have. You can even decide to choose the winners yourself or have CliquePrize® choose for you. To review this feature, please watch our training video and skip to 6:18 minute mark of the video.
How do I find the QR Code Scanner on CliquePrize® to redeem a digital prize?
Click on Fulfill. Then look for the specific promotion that has a digital prize. From there, you will see the QR Code Scanner within the CliquePrize® app.
Can a winning Contestant transfer a prize to another Contestant?
No. This is strictly prohibited by CliquePrize®. If a Contestant tries to share a winning QR code printed out on paper to you (the Sponsor) in person, please do not scan it in as this is an attempt to transfer a prize to another Contestant and a violation of the Sponsor's User Terms. CliquePrize® requires all Sponsors to scan in a winning QR code from the App itself in all circumstances.
What is a CMP and why does it matter to CliquePrize® Contestants?
A CMP (Consent Management Platform) is a tool or software designed to help apps like CliquePrize® to manage Contestant consent regarding data collection, privacy and processing, particularly in compliance with regulations. In the US, such states as California have digital privacy standards that be applied to consumer apps like CliquePrize®. In CA, this is called the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). As of January 2025, 20 U.S. states have enacted comprehensive consumer data privacy laws.
For CliquePrize®, the CMP is applicable only to general banner advertising inside the app. It is NOT related to any digital promotions since Contestant opt-in is voluntary and agreed upon as per our Terms of Use.
Key Features of a CMP:
- Consent Collection: CliquePrize® has a pop-up asking Contestants upon logging into the app to accept, reject, or customize their data-sharing preferences for ads
- Consent Storage: Maintains records of Contestant preferences to demonstrate compliance during audits
- Consent Revocation: Allows Contestants to change or withdraw their consent at any time. Compliance Management: This ensures that CliquePrize® complies with state privacy laws by automatically enforcing Contestant preferences.
What’s the point of running Promotions on CliquePrize®? How will this help my business?
Lead generation. Today, its difficult to grow your business the old way – i.e. word of mouth and print ads. You need to giveaway something to create awareness of your business. But more importantly, you need to learn about your customers and their wants/desires. Ideally you should have a digital marketing campaign running at all times.
The best part about CliquePrize® is it is local. We only display your promotion based on the nearest Metro area by Zip code. That means your promotion is mostly seen by local Contestants. These are potential customers of your business. Not people from all over the country. Treat them as such. Survey them. Learn as much as you can. Data is king and the more data you collect the more optimal your marketing will be. This will result in lower customer acquisition costs as a result of more efficient Bullseye! Targeting – which in the end will grow your business.
How much does CliquePrize® cost me?
To get started, it’s FREE to create a Sponsor Account & Bullseye! Listing. Reserve your username (handle) before other businesses do. After you create a Sponsor account and get verified, just simply go to Settings > My Bullseye! Page and complete your Public facing Bullseye! Directory listing. This will at least give potential customers an idea of who you are and what you are selling.
When you are ready, give away a prize via a promotion.
There’s a base fee upfront for running a promotion. Starting at $29 for a one-time Private Giveaway or a one-time Public Giveaway. After the first giveaway, Public Giveaways are $399 each. Monthly subscriptions are $199/month. With Monthly Subscriptions you can run either Public or Private. Its your choice. Once per month.
In addition, if you want Entrant (Contestant) records, you can purchase a data plan (starting at $1/record) times the number of records after your promotion has ended. You will never pay for the same Contestant record twice. This is emailed to you after the Promotion has ended with a .csv file attached and paid for by Invoice via Contestant records will only include First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Mobile number, and Zip code. However, if you run a survey you will get survey responses but you will not know which exact Contestant answered which question. You’ll just see the total responses.
What am I (the Sponsor) legally responsible for?
You are legally responsible for paying for the promotion upfront and fulfilling the prize you advertise in your CliquePrize® promotion – exactly as is. You are not obligated to buy Contestant data. That is optional. However, you cannot legally bait and switch the Contestant. In other words, you cannot for example offer 2 tickets to a show but give them a pack of gum instead. The only time you can switch the prize advertised is if you are giving away a prize of equal value to the original prize and the Contestant agrees it is a fair swap of prizes. The Contestant can hold you (not CliquePrize®) legally liable for not fulfilling the original prize advertised.
Why can't I see the Contestant's name when I pick a winner?
CliquePrize® only offers blind winner selection for Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Events, Raffles, Instant Win and even Contests (when there is a tie). This also prevents Sponsors from picking themselves, employees or friends from winning their own giveaways. The goal is to be completely fair to all Contestants when a winner is selected. All you will see is the Contestant's ID number (which Contestant's don't know) that will look like 2 letters followed by 6 digits. If you're giveaway offered more than 1 winner, no problem. The CliquePrize® app will make sure you select the appropriate number of winners to begin the prize fulfillment phase. Remember, you still have to mail the prize (if its physical) via a major US delivery carrier (e.g. FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc) or scan in the QR code when the Contestant arrives at your business location to complete the prize fulfillment phase.
What does ARV mean and why is it important?
On CliquePrize®, your prize value must be under $1000 since we do not offer giveaways with public bonds. In other words, prizes valued over $1000 typically require you to post a public bond to secure the promotion. However, if the prize is worth over $600 and less than $1000, then you only need to issue a 1099 form to the winner(s) of the prize. The official rules must state the value of the prize as APV (Approximate Retail Value) based on market value at the time. This is a US federal law.
Can I run a Like, Follow, Mention & Share Campaign as well?
Yes. In fact you should. Its called AMOE (Alternate Method of Entry). If you use social media to drive likes, follows, mentions and shares there's no reason not to continue do so. You can also try mail-in, phone call / text, online entry forms and in-person entry methods. However, those efforts will generally attract Prospects outside the local area and you won't have their email address or mobile number like you could with CliquePrize®. You could offer a bonus prize to do both. For example, you could try a giveaway such as Win A FREE (insert your product or service) for TWO (2) using CliquePrize® and if you like, follow, mention or share us and tag 3 friends on Social Media, we will add a bonus prize. This way you can cover both bases.
How do I fulfill a digital prize?
As soon as your promotion is over, you must choose a winner and select winner(s). Once the winner arrives at your business, ask the winning Contestant to show you the QR code of their winning entry on their phone. Open the CliquePrize® app and your Sponsor account. Click on Fulfill and find the promotion that has ended. On the very next screen, you will see a QR code scanner. Scan the winning Contestant’s QR code with your phone. Voila. The prize has been recorded as fulfilled. If the giveaway was a free dinner for TWO, for example, simply go to your register and manually discount the entire dinner for 2 people (including tax) to $0.
Are there any other options for Digital Prizes?
Yes. Starting in Sept 2023, CliquePrize® recently fully integrated with BHN Rewards. This means rather than giving out your own gift certificates as prizes to winning Contestants, you can now offer Digital e-Gift cards from BHN Rewards which has a wide variety of vendors such as Amazon, Visa/Mastercard, Wal-mart, etc. For a full list visit The lone exception is PayPal since CliquePrize® does not permit cash prizes and that would be considered cash. Once the Contestant redeems the prize, you can track the prize fulfillment seamlessly inside the CliquePrize® app. You must first though create a BHN Rewards account and load your account with a prize amount equal or greater to the prize offered for your CliquePrize® giveaway.
How do I fulfill a physical prize?
You can only fulfill a physical prize after a Contestant redeems it. Click on Fulfill and find the promotion that has ended. Then, choose a winner and select winner(s). This will notify the winner. There can only be 1 (ONE) winner of a Physical prize on CliquePrize®. The physical prize winner has 10 days from the winning notification to notify you (the Sponsor) and the CliquePrize® staff that the prize has been redeemed. You must wait for the Contestant to redeem the physical prize before mailing it out.
A physical prize must be mailed to the Contestant via a major delivery service such as FedEx, UPS or USPS. You must send the physical prize with tracking or you may have to send it again if it gets lost. We recommend purchasing insurance in case the package gets lost. Assuming the winning Contestant has redeemed the prize, then you (the Sponsor) must click on Fulfill again to add the Shipping Details including the carrier and the tracking code. CliquePrize® should automatically provide the winning Contestant’s mailing address label for you to send the prize. Print the QR code and attach it to the top of the prize (but inside the package). Complete the address label at the delivery carrier as you normally would using your phone with the Contestant’s mailing address. Both you and the CliquePrize® staff will track the package via the carrier you picked. If the Contestant fails to scan-in the QR code despite the package already being confirmed as delivered, we will still count the prize as fulfilled. Only if the package is lost will the Contestant be entitled to another prize of equal or greater value. The insurance will reimburse you for the loss. The Contestant’s account will be suspended indefinitely on CliquePrize® for failure of acknowledging receipt of the physical prize.
I run and own my business but I don’t have the time to scan in winning QR codes. Is there any way my staff can assist?
Yes actually there is. Simply go to Settings > Users. Add a user by email address. Your staff will be able to confirm their Sponsor account via email and have all the same privileges as you except for buying promotions. That must be done through the Master Sponsor Admin account. Other than that, your staff can scan in QR codes with their phones to fulfill prizes just as you can.
What’s the difference between Sweepstakes and Contests?
Sweepstakes are like lottos except lottos always give away cash prizes. CliquePrize® never offers cash prizes from Sponsors. Regardless, Sweepstakes winners like lotto winners are selected at random. The Contestant odds of winning are solely based on the number of Contestants.
Contests are based on merit or effort. A boxing match is an example of a contest. The winner is not selected randomly. On CliquePrize®, our Most Popular or Highest Rated surveys, polls or video contests are what determines who is eligible to win. If there’s a tie, then and only then, will a random winner be selected of the contest winner.
Why are some Promotions Private and some Public? What’s the difference?
Private promotions require a QR code or a 4 digit code to unlock. As a Sponsor, you can email your customers or friends on an invite-only basis to invite them to enter your promotion. The reasons for these type of promotions vary but Events are commonly hosted on an invite-only basis for example. Public promotions are those promotions that anyone in the area (by Metro or zip code) can see and enter. There is nothing preventing all Contestants from entering Public promotions.
Why can't I add Metro Markets to a Private Promotion?
Private promotions require a QR code or a 4 digit code to unlock. They have nothing to do with location targeting. Think of Private Promotions like an invitation to a party. Anyone can enter so long as they have the Invitation. There's no need for Metro Market area targeting since the technology wouldn't matter. The Contestant can only see a Private promotion as result of you sharing the QR Code or 4 digit code an invite-only basis.
Does CliquePrize® sell Contestant information to other 3rd parties?
No. The only information we collect of Contestants is as mentioned before the following 5 pieces of information: First Name, Last Name, mobile number, email address and zip code except when a Contestant wins a Physical prize. Then and only then do we store a Contestant’s home or shipping address temporarily so that you (the Sponsor) can send the Physical prize to the prize winner. Once the Contestant receives the Physical prize, the address on file gets deleted. The QR code is used to verify receipt of the prize as well as the tracking number of the shipping service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc).
As a Sponsor, it your legal responsibility not to re-sell that information and only use it for your own marketing purposes. You are also responsible to offer Contestants (potential Customers) the ability to opt-out of such marketing at any time.
What are Publishers? Do I need to contact them?
Publishers are 3rd party webmasters or website owners who work only with Sponsors to send relevant traffic to your Promotions. Basically its a form of an affiliate link exchange. You, as the Sponsor, only have to deal directly with Publishers if you wish to drive relevant traffic to your specific Promotion’s page. However, in exchange for the providing the Publisher a 300x250 banner (on their website), you agree to display a specific Publisher’s 90x90 banner image (with embedded link) when you scroll down below your Promotion’s Prize Details page for a specific promotion. If anyone clicks on those banners, they will be taken to the Publisher’s website.
I have special coupons, discounts and offers. Is there any way to advertise those?
Yes, in fact its free for Sponsors who pay for a promotion. In a coming release, simply go to Settings > My Offers and list your offer. Be sure to indicate a start and end date to the offer and make it as clear as possible. These offers have zero relevance to any Promotion running on CliquePrize® and don’t affect a Contestants chance of winning a prize from you (whether they use the discount, coupon offer or not). In other words, a Contestant’s chance of winning a prize is never dependent on buying something from you – even at a discounted rate.
Why is CliquePrize® only in 21 states plus Washington, DC?
We are still in our MVP phase. We plan to expand to all 50 US states by end of 2023. We started as a desktop website called (2003) and eventually (2005) before evolving into the CliquePrize® (2019) mobile app. It took 19 years to launch and get to this point but we are very excited about the future. We started in Nashville, TN since this is where our new headquarters is located.
CliquePrize® is currently live in TN, TX, FL, CA, NY, NJ, PA, DE, NH, RI, VT, MA, CT, ME, DE, NC, SC, GA, HI, MD, VA, IL and Washington DC.
Does CliquePrize® Integrate with for user feedback?
Yes. CliquePrize® has implemented inside our iOS Mobile app. If you encounter a bug, issue, abuse or offensive content, please use the "Feedback" ribbon on the lower right side of your screen once you login. Each and every issue is carefully read by our staff and will be responded to. We care about your user experience on CliquePrize.
Who owns CliquePrize®?
CliquePrize® is a mobile app of the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC in Nashville, TN and founded by Rob Salerno, our President. While we own and operate 3 other websites in the recruitment, career & job industry (,, and one College Sports blog (DreamBackfield), this is our main Entertainment asset.
How secure is CliquePrize®?
CliquePrize® is hosted by Microsoft Azure cloud server technology. We are proud to say that Microsoft has a stellar reputation for web and app hosting. Nobody has successfully hacked Azure except for their database called Cosmos. Even Cosmos has seen the security flaw fixed and there is no evidence the flaw had been exploited by anyone.
What if Contestants try to create false identities and alias accounts to increase their odds of winning prizes?
The likelihood of that happening is small. All Contestants have to verify a valid email address and mobile number on CliquePrize® in order to win. Since we only send SMS Text Messages to major US carriers (e.g. AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Spectrum Mobile, etc), it would be very difficult to verify an account using WhatsApp or any other virtual mobile phone service. Creating alias accounts will be discovered (if that happens) and the winner will be banned for life from CliquePrize® according to our Terms. It simply won’t be worth the effort since our prize values are always under $1000.
Why are the prize values always under $1000?
At $1000 or above, by US law in most states, Sponsors have to post a public bond to secure the prize. CliquePrize® does not offer bonded promotions so we know up front what the prize value is prior to launching every promotion. In fact, we vet the Sponsor and the prize prior to any Promotion going live on our platform.
What if my small business simply wants to advertise on CliquePrize® and not run a giveaway?
No problem. CliquePrize® offers native ad inventory through the inMobi Exchange if you wish to target Sponsors. Alternatively, ads can be purchased through Google's AdMob to target Contestants.
Does CliquePrize® offer any vanity URLs to use for my promotion?
Yes. You can rent alias domains from CliquePrize® owned URLs. A full list is available inside the CliquePrize® app. In other words, you can advertise your rented vanity URL throughout the marketing of your promotion and we will redirect it precisely to your Promotion's Prize Details screen (aka Enter to Win screen). This will only work though on iPhones.
For example, if the user visited,,,,,, and among many others. An easy to remember URL increases Contestant Entries.
There are 75 vanity domains available for rent that will be invoiced separately through upon request prior to the start date of your CliquePrize® promotion.
Does CliquePrize® allow any Sponsor to run Promotions? What if the prize is a bait and switch?
Sponsors are vetted by the CliquePrize® staff prior to being accepted into our platform. Not just any Sponsor can get an account with us. We use a number of public sources to determine if the business is legitimate. If there are difficulties, tell us at sponsors(at) The Sponsor is legally responsible to fulfill the original value of the prize. For example, you (the Sponsor) can't advertise a FREE Dinner for TWO (2) in your promotion and then give the winner a pack of gum.
What are CliquePrize®’s business office hours?
Mon-Fri from 9am – 6pm Central Time (Nashville, TN) except for major US Holidays. While we don't offer phone support, we do have an email address sponsors(at) for account issues. You are encouraged to also leave us Feedback by clicking on the Feedback button (lower right side of the app) for any issues you may uncover. We will do our best to address your concerns as soon as possible.