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Target local metro markets by zip code and capture Marketing Qualified and Sales Qualified Leads with ease.\",\n \"thumbnailUrl\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/M11BMVeVDc8/maxresdefault.jpg\",\n \"contentUrl\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M11BMVeVDc8\",\n \"embedUrl\": \"https://www.youtube.com/embed/M11BMVeVDc8\",\n \"uploadDate\": \"2024-03-02T22:59:42Z\",\n \"duration\": \"PT9M31S\",\n \"publisher\": {\n \"@type\": \"Organization\",\n \"name\": \"CliquePrize\",\n \"url\": \"https://www.cliqueprize.com\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"VideoObject\",\n \"@id\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYgYZ5sQU8M\",\n \"name\": \"Small Business Owners - Don't Waste Your Time With Like, Follow, Mention & Share Campaigns\",\n \"description\": \"As a Small Business Owner or Artist, don't run like, follow, mention and share social media campaigns to grow your businesss. Instead host a giveaway on the CliquePrize iPhone mobile app, select prize winners, and fulfill digital or physical prizes to build an email marketing or SMS mobile text messaging list. Get listed for free in the Bullseye Small Business Directory in the nearest metro market to your business or artist zip code.\",\n \"thumbnailUrl\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/OYgYZ5sQU8M/maxresdefault.jpg\",\n \"contentUrl\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OYgYZ5sQU8M\",\n \"embedUrl\": \"https://www.youtube.com/embed/OYgYZ5sQU8M\",\n \"uploadDate\": \"2023-04-02T22:59:42Z\",\n \"duration\": \"PT29S\",\n \"publisher\": {\n \"@type\": \"Organization\",\n \"name\": \"CliquePrize\",\n \"url\": \"https://www.cliqueprize.com\"\n }\n },\n {\n \"@type\": \"VideoObject\",\n \"@id\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lv5ifB0zLM\",\n \"name\": \"Quick Intro To CliquePrize, the Small Business iPhone mobile app for Giveaways\",\n \"description\": \"Meet CliquePrize®, the Small Business iPhone mobile app for Giveaways, Sweepstakes, Contests and Events. Learn how to generate leads in just ONE CLICK on a highly secured cloud network, Microsoft Azure. No more long entry forms. No need for Like, Follow, Mention and Share campaigns on Social Media. Data is king. Capture local prospects targeted by the nearest metro market.\",\n \"thumbnailUrl\": \"https://i.ytimg.com/vi/9lv5ifB0zLM/maxresdefault.jpg\",\n \"contentUrl\": \"https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9lv5ifB0zLM\",\n \"embedUrl\": \"https://www.youtube.com/embed/9lv5ifB0zLM\",\n \"uploadDate\": \"2023-10-02T22:59:42Z\",\n \"duration\": \"PT54S\",\n \"publisher\": {\n \"@type\": \"Organization\",\n \"name\": \"CliquePrize\",\n \"url\": \"https://www.cliqueprize.com\"\n }\n }\n ]\n}","CliquePrize® has a number of video resources for Small Business Owners who wish to learn about Small Business Marketing tactics, strategy and lead generation conversion techniques.","small-business-videos",[],"455b28e5-2316-4d02-82bf-957b1028efa3",[],{"_uid":2330,"link":2331,"title":1237,"component":48},"eb2f01e2-fd90-467e-b7b6-3936ab203d81",{"id":179,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":180,"story":2332},{"name":1237,"created_at":1238,"published_at":1239,"updated_at":1240,"id":1241,"uuid":179,"content":2333,"slug":1255,"full_slug":180,"sort_by_date":236,"position":1265,"tag_list":2342,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":1267,"meta_data":236,"group_id":1268,"first_published_at":1269,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":2343,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},{"_uid":1243,"body":2334,"file":1258,"meta":2339,"layout":241,"component":242},[2335,2338],{"_uid":1246,"copy":1247,"link":2336,"image":2337,"bg_color":360,"headline":1237,"subtitle":1252,"component":276,"scroll_to_next":208},[],{"id":1250,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":1251,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},{"_uid":1254,"list":1255,"heading":1256,"component":1257,"open_link_new_tab":38},[2340],{"_uid":1261,"image":2341,"title":1263,"component":239,"description":1264},{"id":1250,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":1251,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},[],[],{"_uid":2345,"link":2346,"title":2348,"component":48},"9608445a-ae5d-4196-9662-9e95f4b945fb",{"id":16,"url":2347,"linktype":46,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":2347},"https://sweepstakentr.com/sponsor-affiliate-signup","Join Affiliate Program",{"_uid":2350,"link":2351,"title":2385,"component":48},"13f55322-b64b-44ae-b4cb-2465e5643ee8",{"id":2352,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":2353,"story":2354},"a001ba50-87de-4078-bfbc-af4a4602032f","legal/sponsors-terms",{"name":2355,"created_at":2356,"published_at":2357,"updated_at":2358,"id":2359,"uuid":2352,"content":2360,"slug":2379,"full_slug":2353,"sort_by_date":236,"position":321,"tag_list":2380,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2381,"meta_data":236,"group_id":2382,"first_published_at":2383,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":2384,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Terms & Conditions (Sponsors)","2022-04-15T07:45:21.326Z","2023-10-27T15:14:50.310Z","2023-10-27T15:14:50.344Z",125808209,{"_uid":2361,"body":2362,"file":16,"meta":2373,"layout":241,"component":242},"e3ee560a-ee3a-438c-94bb-84efc9dcf7be",[2363,2369],{"_uid":2364,"copy":16,"link":2365,"image":2366,"bg_color":360,"headline":2367,"subtitle":2368,"component":276},"d140f8fd-167e-4584-bec4-7a0a24bea01f",[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},"Terms & Conditions","For Sponsors",{"_uid":2370,"content":2371,"heading":2372,"component":1299},"57099880-68b4-4f15-8c41-fd2126422764","**Last Updated: February 25, 2022**\n\nWelcome to CliquePrize® (the “App”), operated by Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (“we,” “us” or “Company”). These Sponsor Terms apply to you if you are a Sponsor. If you are a Contestant, please see the Contestant Terms. Contestants are registered users of the App who may participate in a limited number of promotions daily for the opportunity to win prizes. Sponsors are registered users of the App who create and operate prize promotions through the App for a fee as described below. A Sponsor’s purchase of a promotion constitutes Sponsor’s full and unconditional acceptance of the Sponsor Terms and the CliquePrize® General Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, and the decisions of Company, which are final and binding in all respects (all generally, the “Terms”).\n\n## General Rules\n\nNO PURCHASE IS REQUIRED TO ENTER ENTER OR WIN THE PROMOTIONS. PROMOTIONS ARE VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS APPLY TO PROMOTIONS. All employees of Company and Sponsors, including their immediate family members (spouse, parent, child, sibling and their respective spouses) and those living in the same household of each (whether legally related or not) are ineligible to participate in or win a promotion.\n\n**Qualifying as a Sponsor**\n\nEach Sponsor must register for a user account. Sponsor must supply Sponsor’s contact name, business name, contact email address, and zip code. Sponsor’s account will be suspended until Sponsor’s business is verified independently. Company will use industry standard verification methods and will have the right within its sole discretion to decline any Sponsor for any reason.\n\n**Apple is not a Sponsor**\n\nCliquePrize® is an iOS only mobile app however [Apple](https://www.apple.com) is not a Sponsor and not involved in any promotion in any way.\n\n## Promotions\n\nContestants may participate in a limited number of promotions (5) daily for the opportunity to win prizes given away and fulfilled by the Sponsor. Promotions are limited to Contestant’s geographical area based on the zip code Contestant enters upon creating its account. Each Contestant warrants and represents the accuracy of its registration information, including its zip code, and Company is not responsible for inaccuracies in information provided by Contestants.\n\nWhen Contestant logs in to its account, Contestant will be shown all available promotions local to its zip code. Contestant may browse all available promotions, filter by category, or search a sponsor directory. Unless filtered, promotions will be displayed in the order in which they go live.\n\nPromotions may be public, or available for all Contestants from the applicable geographical area, or private promotions limited by Sponsor to certain Contestants and requiring a unique bar code to access.\n\n## Fees\n\nUpon verification, Sponsor will be prompted to select a base fee package for the cost of running a promotion on CliquePrize®. Sponsor must select and purchase a fee package before Sponsor may create and operate promotions on the App. Fee packages are purchased using in-app Apple Store purchases and are subject to Apple Store terms. The fee packages include:\n\n\\*\\*Platinum Coin Package A – Giveaways (Private) \n\\*\\*One Private Promotion \nFee: $99 \nExpiration: One Private Promotion good for one year from purchase; recommended to run for three weeks\n\n\\*\\*Platinum Coin Package B – Giveaways (Subscription) \n\\*\\*Monthly Subscription \nOne Pubic or Private Promotion per month or a maximum of 12 promotions per year \nFee: $199/month\n\nExpiration: Sponsors may cancel their subscription at any time. In the event of an unused promotion during the cancellation month, no refund will be issued; instead, a credit for future promotions will be applied. Subscriptions automatically renew after each 12-month subscription period unless Sponsor cancels prior to renewal.\n\n\\*\\*Platinum Coin Package C – Giveaways (Public) \n\\*\\*One Public Promotion \nFee: $399 \nExpiration: One Public Promotion good for one year from purchase; recommended to run for three weeks\n\n## Refunds\n\nAll purchases on CliquePrize® are non-refundable. However, in the event of an error or other qualifying circumstance, the Sponsor may receive credits for a future promotion at no cost as a \"make good\" on the paid purchase. These are determined on a case-by-case basis by the CliquePrize® staff.\n\n## Sponsor Promotions and Bullseye! Pages and Other Content\n\nUpon purchase of a promotion package, Sponsor will have the ability to create promotions on the Sponsor home page. Sponsor will have the ability to upload a background image and its company logo on each of its promotion pages. For more information on creating promotions, please contact sponsors(at)cliqueprize.com or visit the FAQ Section on the Sponsor home page under Settings.\n\nEach sponsorship package includes a unique, but free Bullseye! page assigned to the Sponsor. The Bullseye! page displays the Sponsor’s name and live promotions and can be accessed by the Contestant clicking on the Sponsor’s name in the general display of the Sponsor’s promotions on the App main promotions page or via the Bullseye! Sponsor Directory in alphabetical order. Bullseye page templates are available for Sponsor’s use as part of the package at no additional cost to the Sponsor. Sponsor may customize its Bullseye! page to use its own background and logo.\n\nSponsor is solely responsible for its promotions, prizes, and prize descriptions and the products or services offered to Contestants through its promotions, and any content and information it provides for use on or uploads to the App, including, without limitation, its name, logos, product and service descriptions, business description and information, prize descriptions, images, event descriptions and information, links, location information, rules, terms, and policies for its promotions, and all other content it provides or uploads for use on its promotion pages and Bullseye page (collectively, the “Sponsor Content”), and Company shall have no responsibility or liability for the same. In the event the Sponsor does not have a background image, logo or rules, Company shall provide template background images and logo for the Sponsor to use free of charge as well as base rules, terms and privacy policy. The Sponsor is granted permission to edit the base rules, terms and privacy policy in order to customize those elements for the Promotion on CliquePrize®. Sponsor warrants and represents the accuracy and credibility of the Sponsor Content and warrants and represents that it has the right to use the Sponsor Content and that the Sponsor Content does not infringe the rights of any third parties or violate the law. Sponsor grants to Company a non-exclusive irrevocable worldwide transferrable perpetual license to use Sponsor Content solely for administration of the App and App promotions. As between Company and Sponsor, all rights to Sponsor Content with the exception of the foregoing limited license shall belong to Sponsor.\n\nSponsor agrees that Sponsor Content will not:\n\n● Contain any material that is defamatory, obscene, indecent, abusive, offensive, harassing, violent, hateful, inflammatory or otherwise objectionable.\n\n● Offer or advertise a prize for its promotion related to alcohol of any type, including beer, wine, hard liquor or any beverage that contains or may contain alcohol;\n\n● Offer a free prize with an expiration date except for tickets to an event; therefore all prizes shall have no expiration date except for event tickets. If the event date has passed and was not postponed due to weather, the Contestant hereby agrees and is responsible for attending the event but the Sponsor shall not be held liable for the Contestant’s attendance; the Sponsor shall only be responsible for providing access to the event such as providing and delivery of the event tickets which expire when the event date or event make-up date has passed;\n\n● Promote sexually explicit or pornographic material, violence, or discrimination based on race, sex, religion, nationality, disability, sexual orientation or age.\n\n● Infringe any patent, trademark, trade secret, copyright or other intellectual property or other rights of any other person.\n\n● Violate the legal rights (including the rights of publicity and privacy) of others or contain any material that could give rise to any civil or criminal liability under applicable laws or regulations or that otherwise may be in conflict with the Terms.\n\n● Be likely to deceive any person.\n\n● Promote any illegal activity, or advocate, promote or assist any unlawful act.\n\n● Cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety or be likely to upset, embarrass, alarm or annoy any other person.\n\n● Impersonate any person, or misrepresent the identity or affiliation with any person or organization.\n\n● Involve commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes and other sales promotions, barter, or advertising, except as permitted expressly herein.\n\n● Give the impression that they emanate from or are endorsed by Company or any other person or entity, if this is not the case.\n\n## Selection of Prize Winners\n\nPromotion prize winners are selected randomly either by the App or Sponsor at Sponsor’s discretion determined when it creates the promotion. If Sponsor chooses to select the prize winner, Company will provide to Sponsor only a randomly assigned number for each Contestant entered in the promotion and not Contestant’s name, email address, or zip code or any other personal information about Contestant. If Sponsor chooses to select the prize winner, Sponsor shall be solely responsible for such selection, and Company will have no liability or responsibility related to the selection. Therefore, the Sponsor or CliquePrize® will choose a winner or winners based on a 2 Letter, 6 digital combination that identifies Contestants anonymously.\n\nIf a Sponsor elects to choose winner(s) to a CliquePrize® promotion on a manual basis, there is a 24 hour maximum time limit. If the Sponsor fails to choose winner(s) in that timeframe, the CliquePrize® system will automatically select such winner(s) except for Raffles or Instant Win promotions. Raffles and Instant Win promotions must follow the Instant Win Hour Grid for winner selection. If a winner is not chosen in the correct time interval, the CliquePrize® system will choose winner(s) for the Sponsor automatically.\n\n## Prizes\n\nAll taxes on promotion prizes, if any, and other expenses related to accepting and/or using a prize other than as listed in the promotion rules, are the sole responsibility of the winner. Sponsors may offer digital or physical prizes.\n\n## DIGITAL PRIZES\n\nWhen a Contestant wins a digital prize, Contestant will be notified via email, text message and within the Notifications section of the App. The App will generate a bar code that will be displayed under the My Prizes section of Contestant’s account. As a Sponsor, you must scan in the Contestant bar code to redeem the digital prize at your place of business. Afterwards, you may provide the free prize to the Contestant at the register upon checkout. The bar code confirms receipt of the prize by both parties. Contestant will have up to one year from the date of issuance of the bar code to redeem the digital prize. If Contestant fails to redeem the prize, Contestant forfeits the prize, and the prize expires. Contestant will remain eligible to enter any other promotions with digital prizes prior to redeeming prizes Contestant has won from the Sponsor. The Sponsor cannot bait and switch the Contestant. A digital prize of greater value may not be advertised for a promotion and then a digital prize of lesser value to fulfilled to the Contestant upon winning. This shall constitute fraud and the Sponsor shall be held legally liable for such actions.\n\n## PHYSICAL PRIZES\n\nUpon winning a physical prize, Contestant will be prompted to supply a valid U.S. postal address where it wishes to receive the prize. Sponsor will then have 10 days to mail the prize to Contestant. Sponsor must notify Contestant of the shipment service and tracking code inside the CliquePrize® mobile app. Contestant’s prize package will include a bar code printed inside the box and scanning instructions. Contestant must scan the bar code within 10 days from receipt of the bar code to redeem the prize. If Contestant fails to redeem the prize within the required time, Contestant forfeits the prize, and a new winner will be chosen. Contestant may not enter any other CliquePrize® promotions until it redeems its prize by scanning the bar code. If the bar code does not work, Contestant must notify Company at contestants(at)cliqueprize.com within 10 days from receipt of the code to redeem the prize and resume participation in other CliquePrize® promotions. Company will not be liable or responsible for Sponsor’s failure to fulfill prize delivery under these terms, and Sponsor will indemnify Company for any and all losses, demands, damages, rights, claims, actions and liabilities of any kind related to the same. Therefore, the Sponsor is legally responsible to fulfill the prize to the Contestant it advertises during the Promotion. The Sponsor cannot bait and switch the Contestant. A physical prize of greater value may not be advertised for a promotion and then a physical prize of lesser value to fulfilled to the Contestant upon winning. This shall constitute fraud and the Sponsor shall be held legally liable for such actions.\n\n## Prize Rules, Restrictions, and Responsibilities\n\nSponsor agrees to select, supply and fulfill, and is solely responsible for selecting, supplying and fulfilling, the prizes offered in its promotions, and Company shall have no responsibility or liability with respect to the same. Sponsor will abide by the following Prize rules and restrictions:\n\n•\tSponsor may give away only 1 physical prize per promotion. Sponsor may give away no more than 99 digital prizes per promotion.\n\n•\tPrizes may not include cash giveaways. Cash giveaways are strictly prohibited and may not be substituted for a promotion prize.\n\n•\tPrizes may not be substituted with prizes of lesser value.\n\n•\tPrize values are limited to a value of less than $1,000. Sponsor is responsible for valuation of its prize and warrants and represents the accuracy of its valuation and that the value of each promotion prize is less than $1,000. CliquePrize® does not post bonds or offer promotions backed by public bonds as required by most U.S. state laws for promotions in value greater than $1,000.\n\nSponsor is responsible for the cost of delivery of physical prizes through a U.S.-based courier such as USPS, FedEx, or UPS. Sponsor agrees to deliver the physical prize to the prize winner within 10 days from selection of the Contestant prize winner. Sponsor agrees to comply timely and fully with all prize fulfillment procedure described in these Terms.\n\nSponsor agrees, warrants, and represents that the prizes for its promotions will not violate the following:\n\n## Sponsor Supplied Promotion Terms and Rules and Templates\n\nAll Contestants will be required to adhere to our CliquePrize® General Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, and Contestant Terms. In addition, they will be bound by the specific terms and rules for your promotion posted in your promotion listing. You can either supply your own terms and rules in the promotion listing or choose our base terms and rules templates. WE PROVIDE THESE TERMS AND RULES TEMPLATES FOR YOUR INFORMATION ONLY, AND THEY MAY NOT BE RELIED ON FOR LEGAL OR PROFESSIONAL ADVICE. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO OBTAIN YOUR OWN LEGAL ADVICE WITH RESPECT TO THE CREATION AND IMPLEMENTATION OF YOUR SPECIFIC PROMOTION TERMS AND RULES. We reserve the right to reject your terms and rules or any portion of them if they conflict with our terms, rules, and policies, or, in our sole discretion, the law. We will notify you in such event and give you the opportunity to modify your terms and rules to conform to our requirements or terminate the promotion. If a promotion is terminated prior to use you shall receive no refund but instead a credit toward a future promotion.\n\n## Off-line Marketing and Trademarks\n\nSponsor may advertise and market the promotion online and offline in whatever manner Sponsor chooses, subject to the Terms. Company grants to Sponsor a limited, non-transferable, revocable license to use the CliquePrize® printable poster template and logo provided for such purpose in the form supplied by Company to Sponsor (the “CliquePrize® Property”) (1) on the App and (2) for any private promotions, said license only applicable after the promotions are purchased and in connection with such purchased promotions. Company remains the owner of the CliquePrize® Property, and all uses of the CliquePrize® Property by Sponsor as permitted in this clause inure to Company’s benefit.\n\n## Contestant Data\n\nFollowing the conclusion of a promotion, Sponsor will have the option to purchase the data of the promotion Contestants, namely the first name, last name, email address, mobile number and zip code supplied by Contestants upon registration for an App account. AS A CONDITION OF PARTICIPATION IN PROMOTIONS, SPONSOR AGREES NOT TO SELL CONTESTANT DATA TO ANY THIRD PARTY AND TO LIMIT USE OF CONTESTANT DATA SOLELY FOR THE PURPOSES OF MARKETING THE SPONSOR’S BUSINESS PRODUCTS OR SERVICES. Contestant data is sold on a per-lead basis starting at a base plan of $1 per record. Sponsors shall never pay for or receive the same Contestant data more than once even if Contestant enters more than one of said Sponsor’s promotion. Sponsor hereby agrees and understands that the Contestant may enter into more than one promotion. A copy of the Contestant data is unique to each promotion and may be shared (at the Contestant’s opt-in request) with other Sponsors. However, Company shall not copy the Contestants data arbitrarily to another Sponsors promotion’s databank at any time without that Contestant electing to enter that Sponsor’s promotion freely and voluntarily on an opt-in basis.\n\nFollowing the promotion, the Sponsor shall have the option to receive an invoice link emailed from third-party application Stripe.com and will be prompted to click the link and pay the invoice for the Contestant data that has opted-in to win a free prize from the Sponsor. This is not required to run a promotion on CliquePrize® and is merely offered on an optional basis starting at $1 per record. A Sponsor shall not be charged twice for the same Contestant record. If such an event occurs, Sponsor shall not hold Company liable but shall receive a credit for each and every duplicate Contestant record for future promotions in the rare event this happens. Stripe.com terms of use shall apply to such transaction. Sales tax will apply as required under applicable state law. Upon payment, you will receive a link at which you may download the data in Excel format. For best results, you should download the data on your computer and not from your mobile device. For assistance if the download is not working, you may contact us sponsors(at)cliqueprize.com\n\nIf the Sponsor purchases the Contestant data (i.e. first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code) provided by the Contestant on an opt-in basis at the conclusion of the promotion on CliquePrize® on an optional basis, and provided to Company upon registration for a CliquePrize® Contestant account, then the Sponsor shall hereby agree to never to re-sell such data and to use it solely for marketing purposes of promoting Sponsor’s business related to the promotion, and subject to all applicable laws. Furthermore, the Sponsor shall make every attempt possible to provide the Contestant a manner and method to opt-out of such marketing communication (either email or SMS or both) at any time for any reason.\n\n## Raffles\n\nCliquePrize® is solely a ticketing and winner selection tool for Raffles starting in 2024. CliquePrize® does not offer Raffles in certain states due to specific state laws prohibiting online or digital raffles. These states include AL, AR, CA, HI, IN, IA, KS, MN, MT, NM, RI, SC, TX, UT, WA, and WV. As a Sponsor, you hereby agree to keep track of all donations and the number of tickets offered during your CliquePrize® Raffle. As a Sponsor, you will be required to share a secret code for each donation received by a Contestant. This code unlocks the ticket(s) for the Contestant. However if the number of tickets exceeds 5,445 tickets, which is total the number of tickets offered possible by CliquePrize®, you (the Sponsor) hereby agree to be held responsible for the oversight as the Contestant will be locked out of the Raffle and unable to be assigned a ticket.\n\n## Fulfilling a Winning Prize From A Paper QR Code Print Out\n\nAs a Sponsor, you hereby agree to not attempt or fulfill any prize from a Contestant who shares a winning QR code that is printed out. You hereby agree that this strictly prohibited by CliquePrize®. If a Contestant tries to share a winning QR code printed out on paper to you (the Sponsor) in person, you hereby agree to not scan it in as this is an attempt to transfer a prize to another Contestant and a violation of these Sponsor Terms. CliquePrize® requires all Sponsors to scan in a winning QR code from the App itself in all circumstances.\n\n## No Professional Advice/Compliance with Laws\n\nSponsors, Contestants and other users of the App agree to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations in connection with their use of the App, and nothing herein or in the App shall serve to eliminate such obligation. Nothing herein or in the App is intended to serve as legal advice or a substitute for the same regarding the presence or absence of any duty or requirement surrounding these legal obligations. The App is provided for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, medical, financial, or other professional advice.\n\n## Release, Disclaimers, Indemnification\n\nCOMPANY IS NOT A PARTY TO ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN SPONSORS AND CONTESTANTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR SPONSOR PROMOTIONS, SPONSOR CONTENT, PROMOTION PRIZES, AND FULFILLMENT OF PROMOTION PRIZES. COMPANY DOES NOT OVERSEE, CONTROL OR WARRANT THE CONTENT, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR VERACITY OF SPONSOR PROMOTIONS, THE SPONSOR BULLSEYE PAGE, ANY TERMS, RULES OR POLICIES POSTED OR IMPOSED BY SPONSORS, PRIZES, SPONSOR-CONTESTANT COMMUNICATIONS, OR ANY OTHER SPONSOR CONTENT. COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE ELIGIBILITY, CREDENTIALS OR IDENTIFICATION OF ANY SPONSOR, CONTESTANT, OR OTHER USER OF THE APP. COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PHYSICAL, MEDICAL, OR OTHER DAMAGE TO CONTESTANT OR OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY PROMOTION PRIZE. SPONSOR AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS COMPANY AND ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, CONSULTANTS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSSES, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, RIGHTS, CLAIMS, ACTIONS AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO SPONSOR’S BREACH OF ANY WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OBLIGATIONS, OR COVENANTS IN THE TERMS, PURCHASE OF PROMOTIONS OR PARTICIPATION IN ANY PROMOTION OR PRIZE-RELATED ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PROPERTY LOSS, DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH CAUSED TO ANY PERSON(S)). SPONSOR ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY, DEATH, OR DAMAGE CAUSED, OR ALLEGEDLY CAUSED, BY PURCHASING OR PARTICIPATING IN THE PROMOTION OR USE OR REDEMPTION OF PROMOTION PRIZES OR ANY USE OF THIS APP.\n\n## End-User License Agreement\n\n**Last Updated:** **April 22, 2022**\n\nWelcome to CliquePrize® (the “App”), operated by Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (“we,” “us” or “Company”). The App is a software program provided by Company downloaded by you through a digital distribution service (an “App Store”) account to a device that can access the App, such as a computer, cellphone, or digital tablet (a “Device”). Please read this End-User License Agreement carefully before clicking the \"I Agree\" button, downloading or using the App.\n\nThis Agreement is a legal document between you and Company and governs your use of the App. By clicking the \"I Agree\" button, downloading or using the App, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not click on the \"I Agree\" button, do not download or do not use the App. “You” for purposes of this Agreement includes the individual accessing or using the App or the company or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the App, as applicable. In addition, to the extent the App can be accessed and used by other users via, for example, family sharing or volume purchasing, the use of the App by those users is expressly subject to this Agreement.\n\nThis Agreement, as well as our Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, Contestant Rules and Sponsor Rules as applicable, any specific Sponsor terms, policies, or rules included in any promotion offered on the App, and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of the App or to services available through the App or from Company, forms the entire agreement between you and Company regarding the use of the App. If such other terms or agreements conflict with this Agreement, the specific terms or agreements will prevail.\n\nThis Agreement is between you and Company only and not with the App Store. Therefore, Company is solely responsible for the App and its content. Although the App Store is not a party to this Agreement, it has the right to enforce it against you as a third-party beneficiary relating to your use of the App.\n\n## **Intellectual Property and License**\n\nThe App is licensed, not sold, to you by Company for use strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The App, including, without limitation, all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of Company. Company grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to download, install and use the App strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may only use the App on a Device that you own or control and as permitted by the App Store's terms and conditions. The license that is granted to you by Company is solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.\n\nCompany shall not be obligated to indemnify or defend you with respect to any third-party claim arising out of or relating to the App. To the extent Company is required to provide indemnification by applicable law, Company, not the App Store, shall be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any claim that the App or your use of it infringes any third-party intellectual property rights.\n\n### **License Restrictions**\n\nYou agree not to, and you will not permit others to:\n\n● License, sell, rent, lease, assign, distribute, transmit, host, outsource, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the App or make the App available to any third party.\n\n● Remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notice (including any notice of copyright or trademark) of Company or its affiliates, partners, suppliers or the licensors of the App.\n\n## **Modifications and Updates to the App**\n\nCompany reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the App or any service to which it connects, with or without notice and without liability to you.\n\nCompany may from time to time provide enhancements or improvements to the features or functionality of the App, which may include patches, bug fixes, updates, upgrades and other modifications. Updates may modify or delete certain features and/or functionalities of the App. You agree that Company has no obligation to (i) provide any Updates, or (ii) continue to provide or enable any particular features and/or functionalities of the App to you. You further agree that all updates or any other modifications will be (i) deemed to constitute an integral part of the App, and (ii) subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.\n\n## **Maintenance and Support**\n\nCompany may not provide any maintenance or support for the download and use of the App. To the extent any maintenance or support is required by applicable law, Company, not the App Store, shall be obligated to furnish any such maintenance or support.\n\n## **Third-Party Services**\n\nThe App may display, include or make available third-party content (including data, information, applications and other products services) or provide links to third-party websites or services (“Third-Party Services”). You acknowledge and agree that Company shall not be responsible for any Third-Party Services, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality or any other aspect thereof. Company does not assume and shall not have any liability or responsibility to you or any other person or entity for any Third-Party Services.\n\nYou must comply with applicable third parties’ terms of agreement when using the App. Third-Party Services and links thereto are provided solely as a convenience to you and you access and use them entirely at your own risk and subject to such third parties’ terms and conditions.\n\n## **Term and Termination**\n\nThis Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by you or Company. Company may, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any or no reason, suspend or terminate this Agreement with or without prior notice or your account with the App. This Agreement shall terminate immediately, without prior notice from Company, in the event you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. You may also terminate this Agreement by deleting the App and all copies of it from your Device.\n\nUpon termination of this Agreement, you shall cease all use of the App and delete all copies of the App from your Device. Termination of this Agreement will not limit any of Company's rights or remedies at law or in equity in case of breach by you (during the term of this Agreement) of any of your obligations under the present Agreement.\n\nIf Company terminates a Sponsor account during a live promotion, no winner shall be selected and the promotion shall be deemed cancelled. However, if the Company terminates a Sponsor account after the end date of the promotion, then the Company shall still legally be required to fulfill a prize to the winning Contestant. Company agrees to empower CliquePrize® to select a winner and help track the delivery of the prize to the Winning Contestant. Terminating a Sponsor account after a promotion end date still requires the Sponsor to fulfill the prize as advertised.\n\n## **Indemnification**\n\nYou agree to indemnify and hold Company and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors (if any) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, due to or arising out of your: (a) use of the App; (b) violation of this Agreement or any law or regulation; or (c) violation of any right of a third party.\n\n## **No Warranties**\n\nThe App is provided to you “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Company, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates and its and their respective licensors and service providers, expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the App, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, Company provides no warranty, promises or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the App will meet your requirements, achieve any intended results, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards or be error free or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected.\n\nWithout limiting the foregoing, neither Company nor any of Company’s providers makes any representation or warranty or promise of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the App, or the information, content, and materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the App will be uninterrupted or error-free; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information or content provided through the App; or (iv) that the App, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of Company are free of hackers, viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.\n\nSome jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law. To the extent any warranty exists under law that cannot be disclaimed, Company, not the App Store, shall be solely responsible for such warranty.\n\n## **Limitation of Liability**\n\nNotwithstanding any damages you might incur, the entire liability of Company and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Agreement and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for or through the App or 100 USD if you have not purchased anything through the App.\n\nTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Company or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of data or other information, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the App, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the App, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Agreement), even if Company or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose. Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.\n\nYou expressly understand and agree that the App Store, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and its licensors shall not be liable to you under any theory of liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages that may be incurred by you, including any loss of data, whether or not the App Store or its representatives have been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.\n\n## **Severability and Waiver**\n\nIf any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.\n\nExcept as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this Agreement shall not affect a party’s ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.\n\n## **Digital Marketing**\n\nSponsor hereby agrees to receive by email or SMS text marketing messages or communications from the Company as a result of a submitting a form on the CliquePrize® website or creating an account on the CliquePrize® mobile app. The email may include links, documents, attachments or any other relevant information that the Sponsor has requested or paid for on an opt-in, permissible basis. However, Sponsor may choose to opt-out of any marketing emails except for system emails required to maintain a Sponsor account on CliquePrize®.\n\n## **Product Claims**\n\nCompany does not make any warranties concerning the App. To the extent you have any claim arising from or relating to your use of the App, Company, not the App Store, is responsible for addressing any such claims, which may include, without limitation: (i) any product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) any claim arising under consumer protection, or similar legislation.\n\n**International Use and Export Controls**\n\nThe App is operated from its location in the United States of America. Company does not represent that the App is appropriate or available for use in all jurisdictions, and not all of our products or services discussed on the App are available in all jurisdictions or appropriate or available for use outside the United States. Company prohibits accessing content from within jurisdictions where such content is illegal. If you choose to access the App from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are solely responsible for complying with applicable local laws, including applicable laws regarding the transmission of data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside. Certain software and services offered on or through the App may be subject to United States export controls and economic sanctions laws. In particular, but without limitation, software and software services through the App may not be exported to any U.S.-embargoed countries or anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List.\n\n## **Changes to this Agreement**\n\nCompany reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Agreement at any time. When we modify or replace the Agreement, we will notify you by posting on the App. You must discontinue using the App if you disagree with the modifications. Any changes will become effective as of the date of posting. By continuing to access or use the App after any revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the modified or replaced Agreement. If you do not agree to the modified or replaced Agreement, you are no longer authorized to use the App.\n\n## **Governing Law**\n\nThis Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee, United States of America, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws of such state and are binding on you in the United States and worldwide. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, Company makes no representation that the App is appropriate, legal or available for use in other locations. Accordingly, if you choose to use the App, you agree to do so subject to the internal laws of the State of Tennessee. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.\n\n## **Entire Agreement**\n\nCompany’s General Terms of Use, Contestant Terms (if you are a Contestant), Sponsor Terms (if you are a Sponsor), Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are binding parts of this Agreement, and together with this Agreement and any other specific terms or agreements in connection with a particular feature of or through the App constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your use of the App.\n\n## **Contact Us**\n\nIf you have any questions about this Agreement, you may contact us at the following:\n\nCinnamon Entertainment Group LLC \n4112 Nolensville Road #111751 \nNashville, TN 37222 USA \nsponsors(at)cliqueprize.com","Full text of our Terms & Conditions for Sponsors",[2374],{"_uid":2375,"image":2376,"title":2377,"component":239,"description":2378},"6f5b69ca-f5a7-476c-b05c-3e54f87775f3",{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Sponsors Small Business Terms & Conditions","Small Business Owners called Sponsors can review the Terms & Conditions include legal notices for hosting a promotion on the iOS CliquePrize® mobile app. Each Sponsor agrees to these terms prior to using the CliquePrize® mobile app.","sponsors-terms",[],121966059,"ea3dce4b-d803-4ae9-bbf5-be371409f59b","2022-04-15T07:44:25.566Z",[],"Terms",{"_uid":2387,"link":2388,"title":2420,"component":48},"c90df635-dd3b-4450-aa79-cf3514af69a6",{"id":2389,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":2390,"story":2391},"1d44d66e-b4fb-427c-aa31-79031d6d0844","legal/sponsors-privacy",{"name":2392,"created_at":2393,"published_at":2394,"updated_at":2395,"id":2396,"uuid":2389,"content":2397,"slug":2415,"full_slug":2390,"sort_by_date":236,"position":245,"tag_list":2416,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2381,"meta_data":236,"group_id":2417,"first_published_at":2418,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":2419,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Privacy Policy (Sponsors)","2022-04-15T07:45:21.109Z","2023-08-06T00:51:28.422Z","2023-08-06T00:51:28.441Z",125808208,{"_uid":2398,"body":2399,"file":16,"meta":2409,"layout":241,"component":242},"7b05aec9-f0f4-4636-baa2-0e67df94ea7a",[2400,2405],{"_uid":2401,"copy":16,"link":2402,"image":2403,"bg_color":188,"headline":2404,"subtitle":2368,"component":276},"271686b0-a23c-47ef-8c8f-696297480797",[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},"Our Privacy Policy",{"_uid":2406,"content":2407,"heading":2408,"component":1299},"00f0ed3b-0f25-47c8-9619-a2a83ed8546f","**Effective Date: March 7, 2022**\n\nCliquePrize® respects your privacy. This privacy policy describes what personal information we collect from you, how we use and share it, and your rights and choices regarding your information, including whether or not to share it with us. By accessing the CliquePrize® Mobile App (hereafter referred to as \"the App\") or ordering or subscribing to our products or services you agree to this privacy policy. It also applies to information we collect on the App, as well as in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (hereafter referred to as \"us\" or \"we\"). It does not apply to information collected by us offline or through any other means, including on any other website operated by us or a third party or collected by any third party that may link to or be accessible through the App. If you do not agree to be bound by this policy, you may choose not to access or use the App. Additional specific policies or agreements may apply to certain products and services. If such policies or agreements conflict with this policy, the terms of those policies or agreements will prevail.\n\n## Children’s Privacy\n\nThe App is not intended for or designed to attract children under the age of 18, and we will not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children we actually know are under 18.\n\n## Links to Third-Party Sites and Features\n\nThe App may include links to or direct you to other applications or websites. The App also may allow you to use certain features and plug-ins that integrate third-party social media sites and other third-party features and tools. This Privacy Policy applies to any personal information you provide with purchases and interactions made directly through the App. Once you leave the App and are directed to another site or application, however, this policy and our Terms of Use no longer apply and the terms and policies on such third-party site apply. You have the choice whether to access the links to these sites or activate the features. This privacy policy does not apply to any third-party linked sites, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of such external sites. We encourage you to consult the privacy policies of such sites before sharing any personal information through them, initiating your transaction or activating the features.\n\n## Third-Party Vendors\n\nWe may share your personal information with third-party agents, contractors, service providers, and suppliers who assist in providing support and services to our entities. When we do so, we require those third parties to protect your personal information in accordance with this policy and applicable laws. Once you leave the App and are directed to another site or application, however, this policy and our Terms of Use no longer apply and the terms and policies on such third-party site apply.\n\n## Types of Information We Collect\n\nIt is your decision whether to provide information that we request. Please know that, if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide you with a relevant service or feature of the App.\n\nBelow are the types of information we may collect about you.\n\n**Personal Information**. Personal information is information that identifies or is capable of identifying you as an individual. We collect personal information from you when you voluntarily provide it to us, such as by creating a user account, participating in promotions such as Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Contests, Events, Raffles or Instant Win, signing up for email updates, or responding to surveys, offers, and other communications. We also may collect personal information about you from your use of our products and services or through our partners and other publicly and commercially available sources. Personal information we collect from you may include:\n\n●\tContact information such as first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code;\n\n●\tPreferences information such as purchase history (Sponsors only) and email marketing preferences;\n\n●\tLog-in information such as username, personal account number, and password, and log-in information for social media, Google or Apple accounts if you log into the App through such accounts; and\n\n●\tOther information you choose to provide, such as comments, questions, and requests. You agree not to provide through use of the App any sensitive personal information, including information relating to medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or sexuality.\n\n**Cookies and Similar Technologies**. We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies on the App. Cookies are text files we place on your computer or device browser to store your preferences. Information that may be collected through the use of these technologies includes the Internet Protocol address automatically assigned to your computer, your browser type, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visit and the amount of time spent on each, your device’s operating system, your mobile device identifier, your geographical area, referring URLs, and other information on your interaction with the App. Please see our Cookies Policy to learn how we use cookies, how our partners may use cookies on the App, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies. You can modify your cookie settings or turn off all or certain types of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Please note, however, that if you delete or turn off cookies, you may not have access to some of the features that make your experience on the App, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our services may not function properly.\n\n**Aggregate and Anonymous Information**. Sometimes we use aggregate or anonymous information. Anonymous information is data where all information that enabled you to be identified has been removed. Aggregate information is anonymous data collected about a group of users or other categories. Your personal information is not included in aggregate or anonymous data. We may use this type of information, for example, to help us understand trends and your needs and preferences and to improve our services. This policy does not restrict our use of aggregate and anonymous information.\n\n**Email Communications**. We may use your email for promotional purposes (e.g., new product offerings, special offers by us or other third parties), newsletter, transactional emails (e.g. forgot password, login or prize notification) or upcoming promotions information. If you send an email to us, we may collect your email address and the full content of your email, including attached files, and other information you provide. You may indicate your preference to opt out of receiving promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the promotional email you receive or by contacting us directly using the contact information below. Contestants can also opt-out of emails under Settings > My Lists in the App. You acknowledge that it may take up to 10 days for us to process an opt-out request. Please note, however, that you cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to your account with us.\n\n**SMS Communications**. We may use your mobile number (via Short Message Service aka Text Message) for reasonable similar purposes as Email Communications such as prize notification and delivery status. All rates and fees of your cellular or mobile carrier shall apply for the delivery of such messages.\n\n**How We Use Your Information**\n\nWe may use your information in the following ways:\n\n●\tTo communicate with you regarding your account;\n\n●\tTo respond to your customer service requests;\n\n●\tTo improve the content of the App;\n\n●\tTo customize the App for each individual visitor;\n\n●\tTo notify you about updates to the App;\n\n●\tTo administer a promotion, survey or other app feature;\n\n●\tTo respond to correspondence we receive from you; and\n\n●\tTo serve other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection, and as otherwise authorized or required by law.\n\n**Disclosure of Contestant & Your Information**\n\nPlease note that if a Contestant enters a promotion you (the Sponsor) are running, such Contestant is granting you (the Sponsor) the right, upon conclusion of the promotion and after the prize winner has been selected, to purchase (at a separate fee starting at $1/record) the Contestant's first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code provided upon registration for an App account, subject to the Agreement that you (the Sponsor) shall never sell the Contestant's data to any 3rd party and to intend to use it solely for purposes of promoting your business, while remaining subject to all applicable laws and providing opt-out or unsubscribe links at all times. If the Contestant uses Apple credentials to create a Contestant account that information will remain encrypted per Apple's terms of use and most likely will not be available you (the Sponsor) for purchase nor will it be sold to you as a Contestant record. The Sponsor hereby agrees to provide the Contestant a method to opt-out or unsubscribe to these marketing emails or SMS text messages at any time for any reason. If you do not wish for your information to be potentially shared with the Sponsor, you should not enter any promotion on CliquePrize®. We only share your personal information in accordance with applicable law. In addition to the foregoing, we may share your personal information with others in the following instances:\n\n●\tWhen legally required to do so;\n\n●\tAt the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation;\n\n●\tTo verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing the App and applicable laws or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the App; and\n\n●\tTo a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or other corporate change. Should such a sale occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use your information in a manner that is consistent with our privacy policy.\n\n**International Transfers of Personal Information**\n\nThe App is based in the United States of America and is subject to the laws of the United States. If you are a user outside of the United States, please know that any information you provide on the App may be transferred to the United States, which does not offer an equivalent level of protection to that required in certain other countries. We may transfer your personal information to third parties in other countries for the purposes described in this policy. Some local privacy laws may require us to obtain your consent before we transfer your information from your originating country to other countries. When you agree to this policy, you are, to the extent required and permitted under your local law, granting your consent to the transfer of your personal information to such other countries for the purposes described in this policy. These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. We take steps to ensure that it is adequately protected in compliance with applicable laws, including ensuring appropriate security measures are in place and requiring the third parties to protect your personal information in accordance with this policy, or obtaining your consent where required.\n\n**How We Protect Your Information**\n\nWe implement a variety of security measures when you enter, submit, or access your information to maintain the safety of your personal information. Your personal information is contained behind highly secured networks (Microsoft Azure) and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems and are required to keep the information confidential. You should be aware that such security measures cannot prevent all loss, misuse or alteration of personal information, and we are not responsible for any damages or liabilities relating to any such incidents to the fullest extent permitted by law. Where required under law, we will notify you of any such loss, misuse or alteration of personal information that may affect you so that you can take the appropriate actions to protect your rights.\n\n**How Long We Retain Your Information**\n\nWe retain your information only as long as necessary to provide our services to you, enhance your user experience, and otherwise as necessary for our operations or as permitted or required by applicable laws.\n\n**Legal Basis for Use of Your Personal Information (GDPR)**\n\nThe General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, governs privacy practices involving individuals in the European Union and the European Economic Area and certain other transactions related to those areas. If the GDPR applies to your personal information that we have collected, our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information will depend on the personal information concerned and the context in which it is collected, including legitimate business purposes, as necessary to provide products and services to you or respond to your inquiries and requests, with your consent, to comply with applicable laws, or when there is a legitimate and overriding interest that necessitates the use.\n\n**How to Access and Control your Information**\n\nYou may change your privacy settings at any time by contacting us using the contact information below. You may indicate your options to:\n\n●\tModify, update, and delete your user account;\n\n●\tOpt in or out of subscriptions to newsletters, mailings, and other communications and alerts; Contestants can also manage this under Settings > My Lists inside the App;\n\n●\tOpt in or out of receiving offers and promotions; and\n\n●\tOpt in or out of sharing your personal information with others so they can send you offers and promotions, except to the extent you have already entered a promotion. If you enter a promotion, you are granting to us the right, upon conclusion of the promotion after the prize winner is selected, to disclose and sell to the Sponsor of that particular promotion your first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code provided upon registration for an App account, subject to the Sponsor’s agreement never to sell the data and to use it solely for purposes of promoting its business related to the promotion, and subject to all applicable laws. This shall also include the Sponsor's responsibility to provide the Contestant a method and ability to opt-out of such marketing communications.\n\nIn the event a Contestant wins a physical prize of a promotion, this individual shall be required to provide the Sponsor temporary access to that user's mailing address for the delivery of the prize through the App. Once the prize has been delivered and therefore redeemed, the Contestant's address shall no longer be visible or made available to the Sponsor for re-use through the App. CliquePrize® will also delete such mailing address as we only store Contestant physical or mailing addresses temporarily until the prize delivery has been confirmed.\n\nYou may contact us to request a copy of the information we have collected about you, request to correct or update any information we have about you, or request deletion of your account or personal information. Following a request for deletion, we will delete your information unless required to retain it by applicable laws, and except to the extent you have already entered a promotion and such information has been disclosed or sold to the particular Sponsor of the promotion with your consent as provided above. We may also retain certain of your information if necessary for safety or security, fraud prevention, quality assurance, or other legitimate business interests, and only in accordance with applicable laws.\n\nYou may withdraw any consent you have granted to our collection and use of your personal information at any time, subject to our right to continue to use your personal information as permitted or required under applicable laws. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of our collection or use of your personal information prior to withdrawal.\n\n**Modification of Our Privacy Policy**\n\nWe may modify our privacy policy from time to time. When we modify our privacy policy, we will notify you by a posting through the App. Any changes will become effective as of the date of posting with respect to information we then collect in the future. We will treat all personal information we collect, however, in accordance with the privacy policy in effect at the time the information is collected. We urge you to review this privacy policy often so you are always fully informed.\n\n**How to Contact Us**\n\nYou can submit questions, comments, and complaints about our privacy policy and practices at the following:\n\nCliquePrize®, a mobile app of the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC \nMailing Address: 4112 Nolensville Road #111751, Nashville, TN 37222 \nEmail: contestants(at)cliqueprize.com or sponsors(at)cliqueprize.com\n\nYour Local Data Protection Authority\n\nUnder certain local laws, you may have the right to submit a complaint regarding our collection and use of your personal information to your local data protection authority. Please consult this link for further information: \u003Chttps://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en> \n \nWe partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve and market our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. Additionally, we use this information for site optimization, fraud/security purposes, and advertising. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).","Full text of our Privacy Policy for Sponsors",[2410],{"_uid":2411,"image":2412,"title":2413,"component":239,"description":2414},"8b69f908-5df7-40e3-a297-82337f4908cf",{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Sponsors Small Business Owners Privacy Policy","Small Business Owners called Sponsors can review the legal notices for hosting a promotion on the iOS CliquePrize® mobile app. Each Sponsor agrees to this Privacy Policy prior to using the CliquePrize® mobile app.","sponsors-privacy",[],"1ba13e34-f71e-485a-999b-8ee0a4a561f6","2022-04-15T07:45:03.006Z",[],"Privacy Policy",{"_uid":2422,"link":2423,"title":641,"component":48},"5c7c5535-17de-4614-a7fd-a44d67dc25c1",{"id":433,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":2424,"story":2425},"legal/sponsors-faqs",{"name":2426,"created_at":2427,"published_at":2428,"updated_at":2429,"id":2430,"uuid":433,"content":2431,"slug":692,"full_slug":434,"sort_by_date":236,"position":1059,"tag_list":2592,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2593,"meta_data":236,"group_id":2594,"first_published_at":2595,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":2596,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"FAQ's (Sponsors)","2022-04-15T08:03:36.293Z","2025-01-10T17:48:14.703Z","2025-01-10T17:48:14.726Z",125808393,{"_uid":2432,"body":2433,"file":16,"meta":2586,"layout":241,"component":242},"64380f1e-38eb-4747-a9c0-c5068b5eca43",[2434,2439],{"_uid":2435,"copy":16,"link":2436,"image":2437,"bg_color":360,"headline":2438,"subtitle":2368,"component":276},"5ce1348f-4570-4d87-9b22-1391db2aea43",[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},"Frequently Asked Questions",{"_uid":2440,"faqs":2441,"heading":2584,"component":2585},"979916e7-1622-41f2-b0a5-4ffdc652d522",[2442,2445,2449,2453,2457,2461,2465,2469,2473,2477,2481,2485,2488,2491,2494,2498,2502,2505,2509,2513,2517,2521,2525,2528,2532,2536,2540,2544,2548,2552,2556,2560,2564,2568,2572,2576,2580],{"_uid":2443,"answer":2444,"question":617,"component":618},"e3e52605-1a7a-403b-94f9-eea6aa761590","It's honestly a play on words. Rather than Click Prize, we see our promotions as always being local and exclusive to a community - much like a Clique. Sometimes, our mobile app handles the hosting of Private Promotions on an invite-only basis. Those are even more selective as only invited Contestants can enter. Regardless, it only takes 1 click to win a Giveaway (if chosen) and the idea was to make entering promotions fun and easy but also local. Not only will the Contestant odds increase since the Promotions aren't national, but the prizes will also come from you (the Sponsor - a local business in the area) that the Contestants (i.e. potential Customers) care about and want to win from. ",{"_uid":2446,"answer":2447,"question":2448,"component":618},"c10ba479-d6e6-4493-867e-606ca8a25713","Location matters because for most small businesses with a physical location, your target repeat paying customers generally live within 20 miles from your small business. Therefore, the fight for leads is micro and local. With each promotion on CliquePrize®, you are automatically given your base Metro Market at no additional cost. More importantly, however, CliquePrize® uses patent-pending technology that leverages Apple Location Services to help ensure your target Contestants that enter your promotion are in fact local. Thus, the app does its best to help you target prospects that live in the local area and can actually become repeat paying customers.","Why does location matter to CliquePrize® Small Business Owners?",{"_uid":2450,"answer":2451,"question":2452,"component":618},"fb4778f9-18fd-46e1-afe1-8fc97b24126c","CliquePrize® automatically promotes every public promotion on all of our social media sites. We try our best to help you obtain Contestants for you at no additional cost. We link directly to your Bullseye! screen to each promotion you run. \n\nThere are however more paid promotional options available to you. You can hire our in house digital marketing agency called [Digital Media](https://www.digitalmedianashville.net) and our team can assist you with Google, Facebook and many other paid media ads to drive additional entrants for the cost of media plus service. \n\nAnother service we have available is called GeoFencing. This involves targeting iPhone users on their phones based on their physical location. For example, suppose you want to target customers of a competitor who physically walked into their store or location. Our geo technology will capture this and target them with a mobile ad upon exit. It’s a great passive way to offer a free trial such as an Enter to Win digital promotion to get your target audience a chance to win a free trial of your product or service. ","How does CliquePrize® itself promote my promotion?",{"_uid":2454,"answer":2455,"question":2456,"component":618},"55db6b47-f6cc-452a-8a69-8f51609d8540","With each giveaway on CliquePrize®, Sponsors automatically get 1 (ONE) metro market, the ability to customize your giveaway with your own graphics, rules and privacy/terms or you can use our templates, select winner(s) and fulfill prizes. Or CliquePrize® can select winners for you. For example, a prize winner could visit your business and show you the winning QR code for you to scan (i.e. a digital prize) or you could mail a physical prize to the prize winner who will scan the QR code inside the FedEx, UPS or USPS package. We will supply the QR code for you to print. \n\nAlternatively, if you run a Private giveaway, you also get a FREE poster with a QR code to display inside your business. This poster will promote the giveaway just to your own customers and not the entire area. The Poster will also list the 4 digit unlock code in case the QR scanner is not working on the Contestants iPhone. \n\nIf you want Contestant data (first name, last name, email, mobile and zip), each record can be purchased started at $1/record after the giveaway ends in the post-promotion phase. You will never pay for the same record twice and the data will be emailed to you via a .csv file.\n\nEvery small business can create a free Bullseye! Page on CliquePrize®, a dedicated space showcasing essential information about your small business and promotions. Each Bullseye! Page includes:\n\n- **Business Address**: Integrated with Google Maps for seamless navigation\n- **Business Summary**: A quick overview of your products and/or services\n- **Website and Social Media Links**: Direct traffic to your digital platforms\n- **Active Promotions**: Display all current CliquePrize® giveaways in one convenient location\n\nSponsors can reserve a free custom handle for their Bullseye! Page on a first-come, first-serve basis. For instance, if your small business is called Ray’s Bagels, you can claim www.cliqueprize.com/@raysbagels. Once reserved, no other small business can take this from you. This URL will redirect Contestants directly to your Bullseye! Page, streamlining the process for the one-click to Enter to Win process.\n","What do I get with the base package when I use CliquePrize® to run a giveaway?",{"_uid":2458,"answer":2459,"question":2460,"component":618},"ef68df28-1dce-4683-879d-ad2c51413bc5","Yes absolutely. Our brand new [Sponsor Training Video](https://go.cliqueprize.com/giveaway) has all the step by step instructions on how to use the CliquePrize® iPhone mobile app as a Sponsor. It’s approximately 23 minutes long. ","As a Sponsor, how do I use CliquePrize®? Is there any training provided?",{"_uid":2462,"answer":2463,"question":2464,"component":618},"c4e41b1d-ea9f-454f-8443-512e5bced32c","With each giveaway on CliquePrize®, Sponsors automatically reach their base metro market based on their primary office zip code but can purchase up to 20 additional metro markets at $49/market through the App Store. Metro markets are determined by CliquePrize® based on the most populated cities (US Population) for each state. Metro markets target and match Contestants based on 60-90 miles (within 1.5 hours) radius from their indicated zip code. Why? Because the goal of CliquePrize® is to reach local entrants so that your small business or artist can acquire repeat customers or fans. Beyond 20 metro markets, CliquePrize® offers National Promotions (all markets in every state) for Plans B & C. Private promotions (Plan A) do not offer Metro Markets as they are unlocked using an invite code from the Sponsor.\n","How much do CliquePrize® metro markets cost and how do they work?",{"_uid":2466,"answer":2467,"question":2468,"component":618},"55104ef1-c3f7-4a7f-a160-2bc3daffb08c","Not if the prize is valued under $600. Then, there's nothing to report to Uncle Sam. However, if the prize is over $600 in ARV (Approximate Retail Value) then US Federal Law requires that you issue a 1099 to the winning Contestant(s) of that specific prize. All official rules on CliquePrize® are required to list the ARV based on market value at the time of the promotion. CliquePrize® does not offer any prizes from Sponsors with an ARV over $1000 as many US states require the Sponsor to post a public bond to secure the promotion in those instances.\n","Are there any tax implications with prize giveaways on CliquePrize®?",{"_uid":2470,"answer":2471,"question":2472,"component":618},"e28d084e-d011-4239-8ffc-d2c8441b070d","Yes absolutely. It's a built-in feature to indicate how many winners the giveaway will have. You can even decide to choose the winners yourself or have CliquePrize® choose for you. To review this feature, please [watch our training video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u9KjaWUZYSQ) and skip to 6:18 minute mark of the video.\n","Can I give away prizes to more than 1 (ONE) winner on CliquePrize®?",{"_uid":2474,"answer":2475,"question":2476,"component":618},"755fb1e9-2fbe-4b9b-8709-684a6dd3ce65","Click on Fulfill. Then look for the specific promotion that has a digital prize. From there, you will see the QR Code Scanner within the CliquePrize® app.\n","How do I find the QR Code Scanner on CliquePrize® to redeem a digital prize?",{"_uid":2478,"answer":2479,"question":2480,"component":618},"3e073e3a-5ad4-4d7e-b117-62681b71a83e","No. This is strictly prohibited by CliquePrize®. If a Contestant tries to share a winning QR code printed out on paper to you (the Sponsor) in person, please do not scan it in as this is an attempt to transfer a prize to another Contestant and a violation of the [Sponsor's User Terms](/legal/sponsors-terms). CliquePrize® requires all Sponsors to scan in a winning QR code from the App itself in all circumstances.\n","Can a winning Contestant transfer a prize to another Contestant?",{"_uid":2482,"answer":2483,"question":2484,"component":618},"581ad325-aa13-4b55-a1c5-a4efada9f554","A CMP (**Consent Management Platform**) is a tool or software designed to help apps like CliquePrize® to manage Contestant consent regarding data collection, privacy and processing, particularly in compliance with regulations. In the US, such states as California have digital privacy standards that be applied to consumer apps like CliquePrize®. In CA, this is called the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). As of January 2025, 20 U.S. states have enacted comprehensive consumer data privacy laws.\n\nFor CliquePrize®, the CMP is applicable only to general banner advertising inside the app. It is **NOT** related to any digital promotions since Contestant opt-in is voluntary and agreed upon as per our [Terms of Use](/legal/contestants-terms).\n\nKey Features of a CMP:\n- **Consent Collection**: CliquePrize® has a pop-up asking Contestants upon logging into the app to accept, reject, or customize their data-sharing preferences for ads\n- **Consent Storage**: Maintains records of Contestant preferences to demonstrate compliance during audits\n- **Consent Revocation**: Allows Contestants to change or withdraw their consent at any time.\nCompliance Management: This ensures that CliquePrize® complies with state privacy laws by automatically enforcing Contestant preferences.\n","What is a CMP and why does it matter to CliquePrize® Contestants?",{"_uid":2486,"answer":2487,"question":622,"component":618},"ea54cfa0-9bfd-41ee-9ea1-9dfe087b7200","Lead generation. Today, its difficult to grow your business the old way – i.e. word of mouth and print ads. You need to giveaway something to create awareness of your business. But more importantly, you need to learn about your customers and their wants/desires. Ideally you should have a digital marketing campaign running at all times. \n \nThe best part about CliquePrize® is it is local. We only display your promotion based on the nearest Metro area by Zip code. That means your promotion is mostly seen by local Contestants. These are potential customers of your business. Not people from all over the country. Treat them as such. Survey them. Learn as much as you can. Data is king and the more data you collect the more optimal your marketing will be. This will result in lower customer acquisition costs as a result of more efficient Bullseye! Targeting – which in the end will grow your business. ",{"_uid":2489,"answer":2490,"question":626,"component":618},"b98d7b9e-44cb-4acc-987c-d12b8d7fa170","To get started, it’s **FREE to create a Sponsor Account & Bullseye! Listing**. Reserve your username (handle) before other businesses do. After you create a Sponsor account and get verified, just simply go to Settings > My Bullseye! Page and complete your Public facing Bullseye! Directory listing. This will at least give potential customers an idea of who you are and what you are selling. \n\nWhen you are ready, give away a prize via a promotion. \n\nThere’s a base fee upfront for running a promotion. Starting at $29 for a one-time Private Giveaway or a one-time Public Giveaway. After the first giveaway, Public Giveaways are $399 each. Monthly subscriptions are $199/month. With Monthly Subscriptions you can run either Public or Private. Its your choice. Once per month. \n\nIn addition, if you want Entrant (Contestant) records, you can purchase a data plan (starting at $1/record) times the number of records after your promotion has ended. You will never pay for the same Contestant record twice. This is emailed to you after the Promotion has ended with a .csv file attached and paid for by Invoice via Stripe.com. Contestant records will only include First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Mobile number, and Zip code. However, if you run a survey you will get survey responses but you will not know which exact Contestant answered which question. You’ll just see the total responses. ",{"_uid":2492,"answer":2493,"question":630,"component":618},"dd0ddb31-b8bc-4ccb-a623-30405ab8c6c4","You are legally responsible for paying for the promotion upfront and fulfilling the prize you advertise in your CliquePrize® promotion – exactly as is. You are not obligated to buy Contestant data. That is optional. However, you cannot legally bait and switch the Contestant. In other words, you cannot for example offer 2 tickets to a show but give them a pack of gum instead. The only time you can switch the prize advertised is if you are giving away a prize of equal value to the original prize and the Contestant agrees it is a fair swap of prizes. The Contestant can hold you (not CliquePrize®) legally liable for not fulfilling the original prize advertised. ",{"_uid":2495,"answer":2496,"question":2497,"component":618},"b745c8a9-c2bd-496f-a595-79879f25cdf6","CliquePrize® only offers blind winner selection for Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Events, Raffles, Instant Win and even Contests (when there is a tie). This also prevents Sponsors from picking themselves, employees or friends from winning their own giveaways. The goal is to be completely fair to all Contestants when a winner is selected. All you will see is the Contestant's ID number (which Contestant's don't know) that will look like 2 letters followed by 6 digits. If you're giveaway offered more than 1 winner, no problem. The CliquePrize® app will make sure you select the appropriate number of winners to begin the prize fulfillment phase. Remember, you still have to mail the prize (if its physical) via a major US delivery carrier (e.g. FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc) or scan in the QR code when the Contestant arrives at your business location to complete the prize fulfillment phase.","Why can't I see the Contestant's name when I pick a winner?",{"_uid":2499,"answer":2500,"question":2501,"component":618},"844fc5c2-f739-4bd0-bf19-b29c79bec547","On CliquePrize®, your prize value must be under $1000 since we do not offer giveaways with public bonds. In other words, prizes valued over $1000 typically require you to post a public bond to secure the promotion. However, if the prize is worth over $600 and less than $1000, then you only need to issue a 1099 form to the winner(s) of the prize. The official rules must state the value of the prize as APV (Approximate Retail Value) based on market value at the time. This is a US federal law.","What does ARV mean and why is it important?",{"_uid":2503,"answer":2504,"question":634,"component":618},"2fb31ddd-45af-403b-a44b-e92eff78d852","Yes. In fact you should. Its called AMOE (Alternate Method of Entry). If you use social media to drive likes, follows, mentions and shares there's no reason not to continue do so. You can also try mail-in, phone call / text, online entry forms and in-person entry methods. However, those efforts will generally attract Prospects outside the local area and you won't have their email address or mobile number like you could with CliquePrize®. You could offer a bonus prize to do both. For example, you could try a giveaway such as Win A FREE (insert your product or service) for TWO (2) using CliquePrize® and if you like, follow, mention or share us and tag 3 friends on Social Media, we will add a bonus prize. This way you can cover both bases.",{"_uid":2506,"answer":2507,"question":2508,"component":618},"91c5a481-0d71-458a-bae3-1b0c9265ef06","As soon as your promotion is over, you must choose a winner and select winner(s). Once the winner arrives at your business, ask the winning Contestant to show you the QR code of their winning entry on their phone. Open the CliquePrize® app and your Sponsor account. Click on Fulfill and find the promotion that has ended. On the very next screen, you will see a QR code scanner. Scan the winning Contestant’s QR code with your phone. Voila. The prize has been recorded as fulfilled. If the giveaway was a free dinner for TWO, for example, simply go to your register and manually discount the entire dinner for 2 people (including tax) to $0. ","How do I fulfill a digital prize?",{"_uid":2510,"answer":2511,"question":2512,"component":618},"2375723e-ffcb-4e51-b66c-c66006c95c38","Yes. Starting in Sept 2023, CliquePrize® recently fully integrated with [BHN Rewards](https://www.bhnrewards.com). This means rather than giving out your own gift certificates as prizes to winning Contestants, you can now offer Digital e-Gift cards from BHN Rewards which has a wide variety of vendors such as Amazon, Visa/Mastercard, Wal-mart, etc. For a full list visit [https://www.bhnrewards.com/rewards-gifts/](https://www.bhnrewards.com/rewards-gifts/). The lone exception is PayPal since CliquePrize® does not permit cash prizes and that would be considered cash. Once the Contestant redeems the prize, you can track the prize fulfillment seamlessly inside the CliquePrize® app. You must first though [create a BHN Rewards account](https://app.rybbon.net/public/signup) and load your account with a prize amount equal or greater to the prize offered for your CliquePrize® giveaway.","Are there any other options for Digital Prizes?",{"_uid":2514,"answer":2515,"question":2516,"component":618},"19debfca-fd97-4130-a8ef-7756815a933e","You can only fulfill a physical prize after a Contestant redeems it. Click on Fulfill and find the promotion that has ended. Then, choose a winner and select winner(s). This will notify the winner. There can only be 1 (ONE) winner of a Physical prize on CliquePrize®. The physical prize winner has 10 days from the winning notification to notify you (the Sponsor) and the CliquePrize® staff that the prize has been redeemed. You must wait for the Contestant to redeem the physical prize before mailing it out.\n\nA physical prize must be mailed to the Contestant via a major delivery service such as FedEx, UPS or USPS. You must send the physical prize with tracking or you may have to send it again if it gets lost. We recommend purchasing insurance in case the package gets lost. Assuming the winning Contestant has redeemed the prize, then you (the Sponsor) must click on Fulfill again to add the Shipping Details including the carrier and the tracking code. CliquePrize® should automatically provide the winning Contestant’s mailing address label for you to send the prize. Print the QR code and attach it to the top of the prize (but inside the package). Complete the address label at the delivery carrier as you normally would using your phone with the Contestant’s mailing address. Both you and the CliquePrize® staff will track the package via the carrier you picked. If the Contestant fails to scan-in the QR code despite the package already being confirmed as delivered, we will still count the prize as fulfilled. Only if the package is lost will the Contestant be entitled to another prize of equal or greater value. The insurance will reimburse you for the loss. The Contestant’s account will be suspended indefinitely on CliquePrize® for failure of acknowledging receipt of the physical prize.\n","How do I fulfill a physical prize?",{"_uid":2518,"answer":2519,"question":2520,"component":618},"0095841b-9412-411c-8c1f-6aa5a0f77690","Yes actually there is. Simply go to Settings > Users. Add a user by email address. Your staff will be able to confirm their Sponsor account via email and have all the same privileges as you except for buying promotions. That must be done through the Master Sponsor Admin account. Other than that, your staff can scan in QR codes with their phones to fulfill prizes just as you can.","I run and own my business but I don’t have the time to scan in winning QR codes. Is there any way my staff can assist?",{"_uid":2522,"answer":2523,"question":2524,"component":618},"fb805a59-d358-4c71-87e4-f4d98cc138af","Sweepstakes are like lottos except lottos always give away cash prizes. CliquePrize® never offers cash prizes from Sponsors. Regardless, Sweepstakes winners like lotto winners are selected at random. The Contestant odds of winning are solely based on the number of Contestants.\n\nContests are based on merit or effort. A boxing match is an example of a contest. The winner is not selected randomly. On CliquePrize®, our Most Popular or Highest Rated surveys, polls or video contests are what determines who is eligible to win. If there’s a tie, then and only then, will a random winner be selected of the contest winner.\n","What’s the difference between Sweepstakes and Contests?",{"_uid":2526,"answer":2527,"question":821,"component":618},"e0761871-f7c9-4624-bda1-aecf7b94b46f","Private promotions require a QR code or a 4 digit code to unlock. As a Sponsor, you can email your customers or friends on an invite-only basis to invite them to enter your promotion. The reasons for these type of promotions vary but Events are commonly hosted on an invite-only basis for example. Public promotions are those promotions that anyone in the area (by Metro or zip code) can see and enter. There is nothing preventing all Contestants from entering Public promotions.",{"_uid":2529,"answer":2530,"question":2531,"component":618},"e42079f3-7858-4edd-9946-07d2ea7179bb","Private promotions require a QR code or a 4 digit code to unlock. They have nothing to do with location targeting. Think of Private Promotions like an invitation to a party. Anyone can enter so long as they have the Invitation. There's no need for Metro Market area targeting since the technology wouldn't matter. The Contestant can only see a Private promotion as result of you sharing the QR Code or 4 digit code an invite-only basis.","Why can't I add Metro Markets to a Private Promotion?",{"_uid":2533,"answer":2534,"question":2535,"component":618},"16fc8e4c-8dfd-487c-80c2-245b485b2dc3","No. The only information we collect of Contestants is as mentioned before the following 5 pieces of information: First Name, Last Name, mobile number, email address and zip code except when a Contestant wins a Physical prize. Then and only then do we store a Contestant’s home or shipping address temporarily so that you (the Sponsor) can send the Physical prize to the prize winner. Once the Contestant receives the Physical prize, the address on file gets deleted. The QR code is used to verify receipt of the prize as well as the tracking number of the shipping service (e.g. FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc).\n\nAs a Sponsor, it your legal responsibility not to re-sell that information and only use it for your own marketing purposes. You are also responsible to offer Contestants (potential Customers) the ability to opt-out of such marketing at any time.\n","Does CliquePrize® sell Contestant information to other 3rd parties?",{"_uid":2537,"answer":2538,"question":2539,"component":618},"1ae26450-08e8-4d98-9ebe-40255df04252","Publishers are 3rd party webmasters or website owners who work only with Sponsors to send relevant traffic to your Promotions. Basically its a form of an affiliate link exchange. You, as the Sponsor, only have to deal directly with Publishers if you wish to drive relevant traffic to your specific Promotion’s page. However, in exchange for the providing the Publisher a 300x250 banner (on their website), you agree to display a specific Publisher’s 90x90 banner image (with embedded link) when you scroll down below your Promotion’s Prize Details page for a specific promotion. If anyone clicks on those banners, they will be taken to the Publisher’s website.\n","What are Publishers? Do I need to contact them?",{"_uid":2541,"answer":2542,"question":2543,"component":618},"797c62f3-3e68-4202-b901-d8d9431688bc","Yes, in fact its free for Sponsors who pay for a promotion. In a coming release, simply go to Settings > My Offers and list your offer. Be sure to indicate a start and end date to the offer and make it as clear as possible. These offers have zero relevance to any Promotion running on CliquePrize® and don’t affect a Contestants chance of winning a prize from you (whether they use the discount, coupon offer or not). In other words, a Contestant’s chance of winning a prize is never dependent on buying something from you – even at a discounted rate.\n","I have special coupons, discounts and offers. Is there any way to advertise those?",{"_uid":2545,"answer":2546,"question":2547,"component":618},"8b0752bc-ea15-4353-966c-a1a3ded470df","We are still in our MVP phase. We plan to expand to all 50 US states by end of 2023. We started as a desktop website called HollywoodWin.com (2003) and eventually HollywoodPrize.com (2005) before evolving into the CliquePrize® (2019) mobile app. It took 19 years to launch and get to this point but we are very excited about the future. We started in Nashville, TN since this is where our new headquarters is located.\n\nCliquePrize® is currently live in TN, TX, FL, CA, NY, NJ, PA, DE, NH, RI, VT, MA, CT, ME, DE, NC, SC, GA, HI, MD, VA, IL and Washington DC.\n\n","Why is CliquePrize® only in 21 states plus Washington, DC?",{"_uid":2549,"answer":2550,"question":2551,"component":618},"9848f9f7-f1f5-4878-a037-34ecb1bbef2b","Yes. CliquePrize® has implemented DoorBell.io inside our iOS Mobile app. If you encounter a bug, issue, abuse or offensive content, please use the \"Feedback\" ribbon on the lower right side of your screen once you login. Each and every issue is carefully read by our staff and will be responded to. We care about your user experience on CliquePrize.\n\n","Does CliquePrize® Integrate with DoorBell.io for user feedback?",{"_uid":2553,"answer":2554,"question":2555,"component":618},"2b9d13c9-d779-4193-bb83-d807098a79d2","CliquePrize® is a mobile app of the [Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC](https://www.cinnamonentertainment.com) in Nashville, TN and founded by Rob Salerno, our President. While we own and operate 3 other websites in the recruitment, career & job industry ([NJJobMarket.com](https://www.njjobmarket.com), [MobileWirelessJobs.com](https://www.mobilewirelessjobs.com), [BioTechPharmJobs.com](https://www.biotechpharmjobs.com)) and one College Sports blog ([DreamBackfield](https://pittsburgh.sportswar.com)), this is our main Entertainment asset.\n","Who owns CliquePrize®?",{"_uid":2557,"answer":2558,"question":2559,"component":618},"6c3ce640-3601-498f-b9a6-22ba2ec404db","CliquePrize® is hosted by [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/) cloud server technology. We are proud to say that Microsoft has a stellar reputation for web and app hosting. Nobody has successfully hacked Azure except for their database called Cosmos. Even Cosmos has seen the security flaw fixed and there is no evidence the flaw had been exploited by anyone.\n\n","How secure is CliquePrize®?",{"_uid":2561,"answer":2562,"question":2563,"component":618},"cace0edf-eafa-48ed-85b7-3187dff5ddc9","The likelihood of that happening is small. All Contestants have to verify a valid email address and mobile number on CliquePrize® in order to win. Since we only send SMS Text Messages to major US carriers (e.g. AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Spectrum Mobile, etc), it would be very difficult to verify an account using WhatsApp or any other virtual mobile phone service. Creating alias accounts will be discovered (if that happens) and the winner will be banned for life from CliquePrize® according to our Terms. It simply won’t be worth the effort since our prize values are always under $1000.\n\n\n","What if Contestants try to create false identities and alias accounts to increase their odds of winning prizes?",{"_uid":2565,"answer":2566,"question":2567,"component":618},"27fe3a70-5d36-4b94-9eb9-d7b6946d7518","At $1000 or above, by US law in most states, Sponsors have to post a public bond to secure the prize. CliquePrize® does not offer bonded promotions so we know up front what the prize value is prior to launching every promotion. In fact, we vet the Sponsor and the prize prior to any Promotion going live on our platform.\n","Why are the prize values always under $1000?",{"_uid":2569,"answer":2570,"question":2571,"component":618},"a7655f18-5e96-4264-a914-e0ae8cad0a87","No problem. CliquePrize® offers native ad inventory through the[ inMobi Exchange](https://www.inmobi.com/exchange) if you wish to target Sponsors. Alternatively, ads can be purchased through [Google's AdMob](https://admob.google.com/home/) to target Contestants.\n","What if my small business simply wants to advertise on CliquePrize® and not run a giveaway?",{"_uid":2573,"answer":2574,"question":2575,"component":618},"91fd3d82-55be-4cc5-8b81-852e08d47193","Yes. You can rent alias domains from CliquePrize® owned URLs. A full list is available inside the CliquePrize® app. In other words, you can advertise your rented vanity URL throughout the marketing of your promotion and we will redirect it precisely to your Promotion's Prize Details screen (aka Enter to Win screen). This will only work though on iPhones.\n\nFor example, if the user visited www.broadwayprize.com, www.entersweepstake.com, www.freebroadwaytix.com, www.newartistcontest.com, www.theatresweeps.com, www.winfreetix.com, www.winsportsprizes.com and www.winvideogames.com among many others. An easy to remember URL increases Contestant Entries.\n\nThere are 75 vanity domains available for rent that will be invoiced separately through Stripe.com upon request prior to the start date of your CliquePrize® promotion.","Does CliquePrize® offer any vanity URLs to use for my promotion?",{"_uid":2577,"answer":2578,"question":2579,"component":618},"cafc400e-5650-4b90-83eb-689451e8b879","Sponsors are vetted by the CliquePrize® staff prior to being accepted into our platform. Not just any Sponsor can get an account with us. We use a number of public sources to determine if the business is legitimate. If there are difficulties, tell us at sponsors(at)cliqueprize.com The Sponsor is legally responsible to fulfill the original value of the prize. For example, you (the Sponsor) can't advertise a FREE Dinner for TWO (2) in your promotion and then give the winner a pack of gum.\n\n","Does CliquePrize® allow any Sponsor to run Promotions? What if the prize is a bait and switch?",{"_uid":2581,"answer":2582,"question":2583,"component":618},"623242d5-9286-4864-a891-9799dfc84d6e","Mon-Fri from 9am – 6pm Central Time (Nashville, TN) except for major US Holidays. While we don't offer phone support, we do have an email address sponsors(at)cliqueprize.com for account issues. You are encouraged to also leave us Feedback by clicking on the Feedback button (lower right side of the app) for any issues you may uncover. We will do our best to address your concerns as soon as possible.\n","What are CliquePrize®’s business office hours?","All FAQ's","all-faqs",[2587],{"_uid":2588,"image":2589,"title":2590,"component":239,"description":2591},"5711cb06-b8c9-4a68-9c8e-21e0b9dc9889",{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"FAQ's Frequently Asked Questions | Sponsors Small Business","Small Business Owners who run promotions on the CliquePrize® iOS mobile app have many Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Contests, Events, Raffles and Instant Win giveaways. We are here to help answer those questions and provide information up front.",[],126365977,"828320cc-d418-472f-8302-a14717266aec","2022-04-15T08:03:43.759Z",[],{"_uid":2598,"link":2599,"title":2601,"component":48},"ebfacd94-3b25-4340-abed-2d024281ddd3",{"id":72,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":73,"story":2600},{"name":2601,"created_at":2602,"published_at":2603,"updated_at":2604,"id":2605,"uuid":72,"content":2606,"slug":2645,"full_slug":73,"sort_by_date":236,"position":321,"tag_list":2750,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":1267,"meta_data":236,"group_id":2751,"first_published_at":2752,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":73,"alternates":2753,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Pricing","2022-07-08T12:12:02.907Z","2024-10-20T16:28:47.203Z","2024-10-20T16:28:47.230Z",161026230,{"_uid":2607,"body":2608,"file":16,"meta":2744,"layout":241,"component":242},"37d81255-4c7e-4b76-87f1-6b742179839c",[2609,2615,2683,2698,2724],{"_uid":2610,"copy":2611,"link":2612,"image":2613,"bg_color":360,"headline":2614,"subtitle":2601,"component":276,"scroll_to_next":38},"3e6a8f93-f0b5-41ce-88c7-6a366f9ece62","Before you run a digital promotion on the CliquePrize® iOS mobile app, you need a base coin plan. Choose from one of our 3 Coin plan types to find the right plan for your small business needs. Post-promotion, you have the option to purchase Entrant (i.e Contestant) records starting at $1/record. This step is purely optional.\n\nOwn a small business? You can learn [**Small Business Marketing**](https://www.cliqueprize.com/sponsors/small-business-marketing) techniques, [**Get our Free Guide**](https://www.cliqueprize.com/media/free-guide) and watch our [**Intro video**](https://youtu.be/9lv5ifB0zLM) to learn more. We also have a [Sponsor full training video](https://go.cliqueprize.com/giveaway) on how to use CliquePrize®!\n\nAs a first-time Sponsor, you can try us out for a Private or Public Promotion for **$29**. Save up to $370 off by [downloading the app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cliqueprize/id1581931190). It’s FREE to create a Sponsor Account & Bullseye! Listing. Reserve your username (handle) before other businesses do.\n\nFor example, www.cliqueprize.com/@handle-name",[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":236,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},"Build A Leads List With The Right Base Plan",{"cta":2616,"_uid":2620,"plans":2621,"heading":2681,"component":2682},[2617],{"_uid":2618,"link":2619,"title":285,"component":48},"a0fcfbf1-4c20-4911-8cf5-85cf0f1c8278",{"id":16,"url":45,"linktype":46,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":45},"674d6954-1110-4a75-a882-7ba0ce31a676",[2622,2648,2666],{"_uid":2623,"type":2624,"price":550,"title":2625,"category":2626,"includes":2627,"position":88,"component":2645,"billing_cycle":2646,"snippet_description":2647},"e5579054-9bde-4a54-8f02-a12e2418cbcc","Private","Platinum Coin","Giveaways",[2628,2633,2637,2641],{"_uid":2629,"icon":2630,"text":2631,"component":2632},"42c82ca1-5711-4702-bbf0-9706d2481a0b","focus-3-line","$29 first giveaway; $99 thereafter","bullets",{"_uid":2634,"icon":2635,"text":2636,"component":2632},"e22cc0e9-031f-4e1c-8526-8feee5a05f0e","mail-open-line","Build an email marketing list ($1/record) post-promotion",{"_uid":2638,"icon":2639,"text":2640,"component":2632},"484fb3a9-1921-4aeb-947f-3cb5c236be0c","user-smile-line","Random (automatic) or manual winner selection",{"_uid":2642,"icon":2643,"text":2644,"component":2632},"4456fc2e-daac-4870-855c-5f909ff989d4","barcode-line","Invite-only Contestants via QR code or 4-digit code","pricing","One-off","Private Promotion",{"_uid":2649,"type":2650,"price":2651,"title":2625,"category":2626,"includes":2652,"position":2663,"component":2645,"billing_cycle":2664,"snippet_description":2665},"ce63059e-61f8-44ae-85ce-176f8489c267","1x / Month Private or Public","199",[2653,2656,2658,2660],{"_uid":2654,"icon":2630,"text":2655,"component":2632},"e55f509f-5fd0-44fb-800c-3887a9e2f11f","Target local area customers in local metro market",{"_uid":2657,"icon":2635,"text":2636,"component":2632},"5d0256ce-6719-482a-91cd-7c45adc822a0",{"_uid":2659,"icon":2639,"text":2640,"component":2632},"f6f145d6-2c00-4920-9372-7b2015e571ae",{"_uid":2661,"icon":2643,"text":2662,"component":2632},"20990bdb-db17-4fe6-98f8-0f1f3263ab5e","Invite-only Contestants via a QR code or 4-digit code","2","/month","Private or Public",{"_uid":2667,"type":2668,"price":550,"title":2625,"category":2626,"includes":2669,"position":2679,"component":2645,"billing_cycle":2646,"snippet_description":2680},"425414ec-f042-4b9e-9b07-c8ce12142807","Public",[2670,2673,2675,2677],{"_uid":2671,"icon":133,"text":2672,"component":2632},"d7c6f8ad-f9d1-4ffd-8113-c4f4482be3db","$29 first giveaway; $399 thereafter",{"_uid":2674,"icon":2630,"text":2655,"component":2632},"159bb0c4-4bca-4a2e-a448-9f0ac24a446d",{"_uid":2676,"icon":2635,"text":2636,"component":2632},"1cf03120-79f1-42a9-841e-2b7090d8e9c2",{"_uid":2678,"icon":2639,"text":2640,"component":2632},"5e5beb19-f40b-4cf6-979e-ee1d0f531cbb","3","Public Promotion","3 Base Plan Options In the App Store","pricing-table",{"_uid":2684,"copy":2685,"link":2686,"image":2690,"theme":188,"heading":2696,"isolate":38,"pretitle":2697,"component":66},"f5bc78cf-89a8-4758-91ff-48e23afdce08","Interested in running a Hyper Local Campaign? 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Rather than Click Prize, we see our promotions are always being local and exclusive to a community - much like a Clique. Sometimes, our mobile app handles the hosting of Private Promotions on an invite-only basis. Those are even more selective as only invited Contestants can enter. Regardless, it only takes 1 click to win a Sweepstakes (if chosen) and the idea was to make entering promotions fun and easy but also local. Not only will the Contestant odds increase since the Promotions aren't national, but the prizes will also come from you (the Sponsor - a local business in the area) that the Contestants (i.e. potential Customers) care about and want to win from. ",{"_uid":2731,"answer":2487,"question":622,"component":618},"30337c65-7534-4550-8960-66de2a4fb668",{"_uid":2733,"answer":2734,"question":626,"component":618},"69f610e0-f592-4dac-be45-4675d5036ace","To get started, you don’t have to pay anything for a free listing. After you create a Sponsor account and get verified, just simply go to Settings > My Bullseye! Page and complete your Public facing Bullseye! Directory listing. This will at least give potential customers an idea of who you are and what you are selling. \n\nWhen you are ready, give away a prize via a promotion. \n\nThere’s a base fee upfront for running a promotion. Starting at $99 for a one-time Private Sweepstakes to $399 for a one-time Public Sweepstakes. Monthly subscriptions are $199/month. With Monthly Subscriptions you can run either Public or Private. Its your choice. Once per month. \n\nIn addition, if you want Entrant (Contestant) records, you can purchase a data plan (starting at $1/record) times the number of records after your promotion has ended. You will never pay for the same Contestant record twice. This is emailed to you after the Promotion has ended via a link to an .csv file and paid for by Invoice via Stripe.com. Contestant records will only include First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Mobile number, and Zip code. However, if you run a survey you will get survey responses but you will not know which exact Contestant answered which question. You’ll just see the total responses. ",{"_uid":2736,"answer":629,"question":630,"component":618},"277f9138-6785-4f68-96dd-d384dec7df8b",{"_uid":2738,"answer":2739,"question":2508,"component":618},"382048db-5255-40dc-9376-98057d2c9019","Once a Contestant wins a prize and visits your store, office or place of business, open the CliquePrize® app and your Sponsor account. Click on Fulfill and find the promotion that has ended. Then, choose a winner and select winner(s). Once the winner arrives at your business, ask the winning Contestant to show you the QR Code of their winning entry on their phone. On the very next screen, you will see a QR Code scanner. Scan the winning Contestant’s barcode with your phone. Voila. The prize has been recorded as fulfilled. 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Post promotion, Sponsors may purchase Entrant (i.e Contestant) records starting at $1/record.",[],"a116f107-981f-4d98-93ca-85f2960dcbf4","2022-04-13T16:39:49.000Z",[],{"_uid":2755,"link":2756,"title":2760,"component":48},"911637fb-e651-482a-9a2a-ab5a7cc7640e",{"id":2757,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":2758,"story":2759},"ab4e476d-9ff0-4113-9214-8603a2e7878f","media/free-guide",{"name":2760,"created_at":2761,"published_at":2762,"updated_at":2763,"id":2764,"uuid":2757,"content":2765,"slug":2854,"full_slug":2758,"sort_by_date":236,"position":2075,"tag_list":2855,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2856,"meta_data":236,"group_id":2857,"first_published_at":2858,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":2758,"alternates":2859,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Free Guide","2022-07-14T16:58:11.138Z","2024-11-06T21:13:39.238Z","2024-11-06T21:13:39.255Z",163538573,{"_uid":2766,"body":2767,"file":16,"meta":2847,"layout":2853,"component":242},"44181991-7977-44d9-a7f1-fcfa4a1dceb6",[2768,2790,2798,2826],{"_uid":2769,"content":2770,"component":1045,"padding_x":208,"padding_y":2789},"0c7e7406-c04b-4931-abfa-921f9e55124f",[2771],{"_uid":2772,"leading":2773,"centered":38,"trailing":2779,"component":2788},"9b2c588e-651d-4309-ad86-5f7283846504",[2774],{"_uid":2775,"theme":2776,"content":2777,"component":2778,"padding_x":38,"padding_y":16},"c07e6257-012f-4896-9724-1a98b508d7c1","dark","# Get the leads you seek so you won’t have to chase cashflow\n\n> We know your small business needs leads at a low cost in order to grow and generate cash flow. Small business local giveaways and digital promotions are essential to unlocking growth.\n\nWe understand your need for repeat customers and how they are vital to your small business. Word of mouth can only take you so far. Get our free guide and you can learn modern lead generation techniques such as running a Giveaway on the CliquePrize® iOS mobile app so you can grow your business without the worry of cashflow.\n\nNow, you can capture local leads (Contestants) in just 1 click with giveaways on the most secured network, MS Azure.\n\nData is king. Make use of highly intentional buyers and we’ll help you turn them into repeat customers!\n\nHere's what you need to get started:\n\n- Grab your iPhone and [download the CliquePrize® mobile app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/cliqueprize/id1581931190)\n- Create a Sponsor account, get verified and create a **FREE business listing** under **Settings > My Bullseye Page**\n- Once you select a base coin package starting at $29, think of a giveaway your customers want to win from you. The better the prize, the more Entrants (Contestants) you'll get!\n- After the promotion is over, pick a winner and fulfill the prize. Its that simple!\n\nLearn more with our Free Guide. 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These Contestant Terms apply to you if you are a Contestant. If you are a Sponsor, please see the Sponsor Terms. Contestants are registered users of the App who may participate in a limited number (5) of promotions daily for the opportunity to win prizes. Sponsors are registered users of the App who create and operate prize promotions and giveaways through the App for a fee as described below. A Contestant’s participation in a promotion constitutes Contestant’s full and unconditional acceptance of the Contestant Terms and the CliquePrize® General Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, the specific terms, rules, and policies imposed by the Sponsor for each promotion as described in the promotion listing, and the decisions of Company and Sponsor, which are final and binding in all respects (all generally, the “Terms”).\n\n## Contestant Eligibility\n\nContestant must be a U.S. citizen and at least 18 years of age to participate in a promotion. All employees of Company and Sponsors, including their immediate family members (spouse, parent, child, sibling and their respective spouses) and those living in the same household of each (whether legally related or not) are ineligible to participate in or win a promotion. Contestant warrants and represents by its participation that it meets these eligibility requirements. Other eligibility requirements are described below.\n\n## User Account\n\nContestant will be required to create a user account to participate in promotions. When Contestant creates an account, Contestant will be required to provide its first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code, and create a password. Contestant will be required to verify its email address and phone number. Contestant will also have the opportunity to log in through third-party applications including Facebook, Google, and Apple. When Contestant logs in through third-party applications, Contestant acknowledges and understands that its personal information from such third-party applications may be shared with us. Contestant is limited to the creation of one account. Multiple participants are not permitted to share the same email address. No automated, robotic, programmed, script, or macro entries are permitted. Any prizes won under false, fraudulent or unlawful circumstances or in violation of any of the published terms, policies, or rules of CliquePrize® or Sponsor will be forfeited and a new prize will be awarded to another contestant. Any attempts to create multiple accounts to increase the odds of winning or otherwise will be grounds for immediate termination from the App. Contestant agrees to provide, maintain and update true, accurate, current, and complete information about itself in the registration process and warrants and represents that all information it provides in the registration process is true, accurate, current, and complete. Contestant shall not impersonate any person or entity or misrepresent its identity or affiliation with any person or entity, including using another person’s account information. Contestant shall not use alias or false email addresses, mobile numbers or zip codes in an effort to increase the user’s odds of winning a promotion.\n\nAll Contestants are required to provide a mobile number from a major US wireless carrier such as AT&T, Verizon, TMobile, etc. Any online VOIP services such as Bandwidth.com, WhatsApp, TextNow, TextFree and other similar mobile apps or online text messaging providers will not be permitted on CliquePrize® and such Contestant accounts will be subject to suspension or lifetime ban.\n\nA promotion is defined as either a Giveaway (Sweepstakes), Contest, Event, Raffle or Instant Win with or without a prize giveaway by the Sponsor.\n\nIn the event of a dispute as to any online entry, the authorized account holder of the email address used to enter will be deemed to be the entrant. The \"authorized account holder\" is the natural person assigned an email address by an Internet access provider, online service provider or other organization responsible for assigning email addresses for the domain associated with the submitted address. The potential winner may be required to show proof it is the authorized account holder.\n\n## General Rules\n\nTHIS IS A PROMOTION. NO PURCHASE IS REQUIRED TO ENTER OR WIN. PROMOTIONS ARE VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW. ALL APPLICABLE FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS APPLY TO PROMOTIONS.\n\n## Promotions\n\nContestants may participate in a limited number of promotions (5) daily for the opportunity to win prizes. Promotions are limited to Contestant’s geographical area based on the zip code Contestant enters upon creating its account. When Contestant logs in to its account, Contestant will be shown all available promotions local to its zip code. Contestant may browse all available promotions, filter by category, or search a sponsor directory. Unless filtered, promotions will be displayed in the order in which they go live.\n\nPromotions may be public, or available for all Contestants from the applicable geographical area, or private promotions limited by Sponsor to certain Contestants and requiring a unique QR code to access. Contestant may enter a maximum of five total promotions per day, including public and private.\n\n## Selection of Prize Winners\n\nPromotion prize winners are selected randomly either by the App or Sponsor at Sponsor’s discretion determined when it creates the promotion. If Sponsor chooses to select the prize winner, Company will provide to Sponsor only a randomly assigned number for each Contestant entered in the promotion and not Contestant’s name, email address, or zip code or any other personal information about Contestant. Therefore, the Sponsor or CliquePrize® will choose a winner or winners based on a 2 Letter, 6 digital combination that identifies Contestants anonymously.\n\n## Prizes\n\nAll taxes on promotion prizes, if any, and other expenses related to accepting and/or using a prize other than as listed in the promotion rules, are the sole responsibility of the winner. Any attempt to redeem the same prize more than once will be grounds for immediate termination from the App. Sponsors may offer digital or physical prizes.\n\n## DIGITAL PRIZES\n\nWhen a Contestant wins a digital prize, Contestant will be notified via email, text message and within the Notifications section of the App. The App will generate a QR code that will be displayed under the My Prizes section of Contestant’s account. Contestant must scan the QR code to redeem the digital prize. Contestant will have up to one year from the date of issuance of the QR code to redeem the digital prize. If Contestant fails timely to redeem the prize, Contestant forfeits the prize, and a new winner is chosen. Contestant will remain eligible to enter any other promotions prior to redeeming prizes Contestant has won.\n\n## PHYSICAL PRIZES\n\nUpon winning a physical prize, Contestant will be prompted to supply a valid U.S. postal address where it wishes to receive the prize. Sponsor will then have 10 days to mail the prize to Contestant. Sponsor will notify Contestant of the shipment service and tracking code via email at Contestant’s user account email address. Contestant’s prize package will include a QR code printed inside the box and scanning instructions. Contestant must scan the QR code within 10 days from receipt of the QR code to redeem the prize. If Contestant fails to redeem the prize within the required time, Contestant forfeits the prize, and a new winner will be chosen. The address Contestant has provided for shipment will be permanently deleted from the App’s database upon redemption of Contestant’s prize. Contestant may not enter any other CliquePrize® promotions until it redeems its prize by scanning the QR code. If the QR code does not work, Contestant must notify Company at contestants(at)cliqueprize.com within 10 days from receipt of the code to redeem the prize and resume participation in other CliquePrize promotions. If a Contestant wins a Physical Prize, the Contestant agrees to redeem it (i.e. acknowledge receipt) via QR code on the Contestant’s mobile phone within 10 days of notification and shipping receipt. Contestants understand the prize will be sent to them via a major shipping carrier (.e.g FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc) with tracking. If the tracking carrier confirms receipt (this will count as prize delivered) and if the Contestant still doesn't scan the QR code, the Contestant understands that the Contestant will not receive another replacement prize and that the Contestant account will be suspended indefinitely by CliquePrize®. Contestants agree to hold Company not liable if or when the Sponsor fails to fulfill an advertised prize giveaway on CliquePrize®, However, when the carrier (FedEx, UPS, USPS, etc) confirms delivery but the Contestant fails to scan in the QR code for receipt of the prize, the Contestant hereby agrees that this shall still count or constitute receipt of the Physical Prize with proof by the carrier even if the Contestant's account is subsequently suspended by Company. There are no replacements or refunds of prizes received and verified.\n\nContestants might receive Physical prizes that are damaged in transit. The Contestant agrees to work with the Sponsor to get a replace prize or another prize of equal value.\n\nContestants hereby agree that Events or Instant Win promotions may be cancelled and rescheduled to another day due to weather or other circumstances.\n\nThe Sponsor shall not offer a free prize with an expiration date except for tickets to an event; therefore all prizes shall have no expiration date except for event tickets. If the event date has passed and was not postponed due to weather, the Contestant hereby agrees and is responsible for attending the event but the Sponsor shall not be held liable for the Contestant’s attendance; the Sponsor shall only be responsible for providing access to the event such as providing and delivery of the event tickets which expire when the event date or event make-up date has passed;\n\n## Redeeming a Winning Prize From A Paper QR Code Print Out\n\nAs a Contestant, you hereby agree to not attempt or redeem any prize using a QR code that is printed out on paper. You hereby agree that this strictly prohibited by CliquePrize®. If a Contestant tries to share a winning QR code print out, you hereby agree this shall be considered an attempt to transfer a prize to another Contestant and is thus a violation of these Contestant Terms. CliquePrize® requires all Sponsors to scan in a winning QR code from a winning Contestant from within the App itself in all circumstances. If caught doing so, the winning Contestant's account shall automatically be banned from further participation in any CliquePrize® promotions or surveys.\n\n## Disclosure and Sale of Contestant Data\n\nAS A CONDITION OF ENTRY INTO THE PROMOTION, EXCEPT WHERE PROHIBITED BY LAW, CONTESTANT GRANTS TO COMPANY THE RIGHT TO DISCLOSE AND SELL CONTESTANT’S FIRST NAME, LAST NAME, EMAIL ADDRESS, MOBILE NUMBER, AND ZIP CODE SUPPLIED UPON REGISTRATION, TO THE SPONSORS OF PROMOTIONS CONTESTANT ENTERS. AS A CONDITION OF PARTICIPATION IN PROMOTIONS, SPONSORS MUST AGREE NOT TO SELL CONTESTANT DATA TO ANY THIRD PARTY AND TO LIMIT USE OF CONTESTANT DATA SOLELY TO PURPOSES OF MARKETING SPONSOR BUSINESS. IT IS HEREBY UNDERSTOOD THAT THE SPONSOR SHALL USE THE CONTESTANT’S INFORMATION FOR MARKETING ITS OWN PRODUCTS OR SERVICES EXCLUSIVELY WITH THE OPTION OF THE CONTESTANT TO OPT-OUT OF SUCH MARKETING.\n\nIf the Sponsor purchases the Contestant data (i.e. first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code) provided by the Contestant on an opt-in basis at the conclusion of the promotion on CliquePrize® on an optional basis, and provided to Company upon registration for a CliquePrize® Contestant account and potentially shared with the Sponsor when the Contestant opted in to become eligible to win a free prize on CliquePrize®, then the Sponsor shall hereby agree to never to re-sell such data and to use it solely for marketing purposes of promoting Sponsor’s business related to the promotion, and subject to all applicable laws. Furthermore, the Sponsor shall make every attempt possible to provide the Contestant a manner and method to opt-out of such marketing communication (either email or SMS or both) at any time for any reason.\n\n## No Professional Advice/Compliance with Laws\n\nSponsors, Contestants and other users of the App agree to comply with all applicable laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations in connection with their use of the App, and nothing herein or in the App shall serve to eliminate such obligation. Nothing herein or in the App is intended to serve as legal advice or a substitute for the same regarding the presence or absence of any duty or requirement surrounding these legal obligations. The App is provided for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, medical, financial, or other professional advice.\n\n## Release, Assumption of Risk, Disclaimers, and Indemnification\n\nCONTESTANT ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ITS PARTICIPATION IN A PROMOTION AND RECEIPT OF PROMOTION PRIZES IS VOLUNTARY. BY PARTICIPATING IN A PROMOTION, CONTESTANT ACKNOWLEDGES AND ASSUMES ALL RISKS AND DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE PROMOTION. COMPANY IS NOT A PARTY TO ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN SPONSORS AND CONTESTANTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR SPONSOR PROMOTIONS, SPONSOR CONTENT, PROMOTION PRIZES, AND FULFILLMENT OF PROMOTION PRIZES. COMPANY DOES NOT OVERSEE, CONTROL OR WARRANT THE CONTENT, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR VERACITY OF SPONSOR PROMOTIONS, THE SPONSOR BULLSEYE PAGE, ANY TERMS, RULES OR POLICIES POSTED OR IMPOSED BY SPONSORS, GIVEAWAYS, PRIZES, SPONSOR-CONTESTANT COMMUNICATIONS, OR ANY OTHER SPONSOR CONTENT. COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE ELIGIBILITY, CREDENTIALS OR IDENTIFICATION OF ANY SPONSOR, CONTESTANT, OR OTHER USER OF THE APP. COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PHYSICAL, MEDICAL, OR OTHER DAMAGE TO CONTESTANT OR OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY PROMOTION PRIZE. CONTESTANT AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS COMPANY AND ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, CONSULTANTS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSSES, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, RIGHTS, CLAIMS, ACTIONS AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO CONTESTANT’S BREACH OF ANY WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OBLIGATIONS, OR COVENANTS IN THE TERMS, PARTICIPATION IN THE PROMOTION OR IN ANY PROMOTION OR PRIZE-RELATED ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PROPERTY LOSS, DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH CAUSED TO ANY PERSON(S)). CONTESTANT ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY, DEATH, OR DAMAGE CAUSED, OR ALLEGEDLY CAUSED, BY PARTICIPATING IN THE PROMOTION OR USE OR REDEMPTION OF PROMOTION PRIZES OR ANY USE OF THIS APP.\n\n# **End-User License Agreement**\n\n**Last Updated:** **April 22, 2022**\n\nWelcome to CliquePrize® (the “App”), operated by Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (“we,” “us” or “Company”). The App is a software program provided by Company downloaded by you through a digital distribution service (an “App Store”) account to a device that can access the App, such as a computer, cellphone, or digital tablet (a “Device”). Please read this End-User License Agreement carefully before clicking the \"I Agree\" button, downloading or using the App.\n\nThis Agreement is a legal document between you and Company and governs your use of the App. By clicking the \"I Agree\" button, downloading or using the App, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not click on the \"I Agree\" button, do not download or do not use the App. “You” for purposes of this Agreement includes the individual accessing or using the App or the company or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the App, as applicable. In addition, to the extent the App can be accessed and used by other users via, for example, family sharing or volume purchasing, the use of the App by those users is expressly subject to this Agreement.\n\nThis Agreement, as well as our Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, Contestant Rules and Sponsor Rules as applicable, any specific Sponsor terms, policies, or rules included in any promotion offered on the App, and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of the App or to services available through the App or from Company, forms the entire agreement between you and Company regarding the use of the App. If such other terms or agreements conflict with this Agreement, the specific terms or agreements will prevail.\n\nThis Agreement is between you and Company only and not with the App Store. Therefore, Company is solely responsible for the App and its content. Although the App Store is not a party to this Agreement, it has the right to enforce it against you as a third-party beneficiary relating to your use of the App.\n\n## **Intellectual Property and License**\n\nThe App is licensed, not sold, to you by Company for use strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The App, including, without limitation, all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of Company. Company grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to download, install and use the App strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may only use the App on a Device that you own or control and as permitted by the App Store's terms and conditions. The license that is granted to you by Company is solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.\n\nCompany shall not be obligated to indemnify or defend you with respect to any third-party claim arising out of or relating to the App. To the extent Company is required to provide indemnification by applicable law, Company, not the App Store, shall be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any claim that the App or your use of it infringes any third-party intellectual property rights.\n\n### **License Restrictions**\n\nYou agree not to, and you will not permit others to:\n\n● License, sell, rent, lease, assign, distribute, transmit, host, outsource, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the App or make the App available to any third party.\n\n● Remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notice (including any notice of copyright or trademark) of Company or its affiliates, partners, suppliers or the licensors of the App.\n\n## User-Generated Content (UGC)\n\nAs a Contestant, if you wish to participate in any CliquePrize® promotion and provide your own User-Generated Content (UGC), ideas or assets such as during the submission process of a video contest, you agree to forfeit all rights, ideas, copyrights , etc to the Sponsor for that content. You also agree and acknowledge you have the rights or license to use such content in the event the original source, images, assets, etc are or were not your own.\n\n## **Modifications and Updates to the App**\n\nCompany reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the App or any service to which it connects, with or without notice and without liability to you.\n\nCompany may from time to time provide enhancements or improvements to the features or functionality of the App, which may include patches, bug fixes, updates, upgrades and other modifications. Updates may modify or delete certain features and/or functionalities of the App. You agree that Company has no obligation to (i) provide any Updates, or (ii) continue to provide or enable any particular features and/or functionalities of the App to you. You further agree that all updates or any other modifications will be (i) deemed to constitute an integral part of the App, and (ii) subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.\n\n## **Maintenance and Support**\n\nCompany may not provide any maintenance or support for the download and use of the App. To the extent any maintenance or support is required by applicable law, Company, not the App Store, shall be obligated to furnish any such maintenance or support.\n\n## **Third-Party Services**\n\nThe App may display, include or make available third-party content (including data, information, applications and other products services) or provide links to third-party websites or services (“Third-Party Services”). You acknowledge and agree that Company shall not be responsible for any Third-Party Services, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality or any other aspect thereof. Company does not assume and shall not have any liability or responsibility to you or any other person or entity for any Third-Party Services.\n\nYou must comply with applicable third parties’ terms of agreement when using the App. Third-Party Services and links thereto are provided solely as a convenience to you and you access and use them entirely at your own risk and subject to such third parties’ terms and conditions.\n\n## **Term and Termination**\n\nThis Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by you or Company. Company may, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any or no reason, suspend or terminate this Agreement with or without prior notice or your account with the App. This Agreement shall terminate immediately, without prior notice from Company, in the event you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. You may also terminate this Agreement by deleting the App and all copies of it from your Device.\n\nUpon termination of this Agreement, you shall cease all use of the App and delete all copies of the App from your Device. Termination of this Agreement will not limit any of Company's rights or remedies at law or in equity in case of breach by you (during the term of this Agreement) of any of your obligations under the present Agreement.\n\n## **Indemnification**\n\nYou agree to indemnify and hold Company and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors (if any) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, due to or arising out of your: (a) use of the App; (b) violation of this Agreement or any law or regulation; or (c) violation of any right of a third party.\n\n## **No Warranties**\n\nThe App is provided to you “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Company, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates and its and their respective licensors and service providers, expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the App, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, Company provides no warranty, promises or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the App will meet your requirements, achieve any intended results, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards or be error free or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected.\n\nWithout limiting the foregoing, neither Company nor any of Company’s providers makes any representation or warranty or promise of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the App, or the information, content, and materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the App will be uninterrupted or error-free; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information or content provided through the App; or (iv) that the App, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of Company are free of hackers, viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.\n\nSome jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law. To the extent any warranty exists under law that cannot be disclaimed, Company, not the App Store, shall be solely responsible for such warranty.\n\n## **Limitation of Liability**\n\nNotwithstanding any damages you might incur, the entire liability of Company and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Agreement and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for or through the App or 100 USD if you have not purchased anything through the App.\n\nTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Company or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of data or other information, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the App, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the App, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Agreement), even if Company or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose. Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.\n\nYou expressly understand and agree that the App Store, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and its licensors shall not be liable to you under any theory of liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages that may be incurred by you, including any loss of data, whether or not the App Store or its representatives have been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.\n\n## **Severability and Waiver**\n\nIf any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.\n\nExcept as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this Agreement shall not affect a party’s ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.\n\n## **Product Claims**\n\nCompany does not make any warranties concerning the App. To the extent you have any claim arising from or relating to your use of the App, Company, not the App Store, is responsible for addressing any such claims, which may include, without limitation: (i) any product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) any claim arising under consumer protection, or similar legislation.\n\n**International Use and Export Controls**\n\nThe App is operated from its location in the United States of America. Company does not represent that the App is appropriate or available for use in all jurisdictions, and not all of our products or services discussed on the App are available in all jurisdictions or appropriate or available for use outside the United States. Company prohibits accessing content from within jurisdictions where such content is illegal. If you choose to access the App from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are solely responsible for complying with applicable local laws, including applicable laws regarding the transmission of data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside. Certain software and services offered on or through the App may be subject to United States export controls and economic sanctions laws. In particular, but without limitation, software and software services through the App may not be exported to any U.S.-embargoed countries or anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List.\n\n## **Changes to this Agreement**\n\nCompany reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Agreement at any time. When we modify or replace the Agreement, we will notify you by posting on the App. You must discontinue using the App if you disagree with the modifications. Any changes will become effective as of the date of posting. By continuing to access or use the App after any revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the modified or replaced Agreement. If you do not agree to the modified or replaced Agreement, you are no longer authorized to use the App.\n\n## **Governing Law**\n\nThis Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee, United States of America, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws of such state and are binding on you in the United States and worldwide. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, Company makes no representation that the App is appropriate, legal or available for use in other locations. Accordingly, if you choose to use the App, you agree to do so subject to the internal laws of the State of Tennessee. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.\n\n## **Entire Agreement**\n\nCompany’s General Terms of Use, Contestant Terms (if you are a Contestant), Sponsor Terms (if you are a Sponsor), Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are binding parts of this Agreement, and together with this Agreement and any other specific terms or agreements in connection with a particular feature of or through the App constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your use of the App.\n\n## **Contact Us**\n\nIf you have any questions about this Agreement, you may contact us at the following:\n\nCinnamon Entertainment Group LLC \n4112 Nolensville Road #111751 \nNashville, TN 37222 USA \ncontestants(at)cliqueprize.com","Full text of our Terms & Conditions for Contestants",[2993],{"_uid":2375,"image":2994,"title":2995,"component":239,"description":2996},{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Contestant Terms & Conditions | Legal Notices","Contestant Terms & Conditions include legal notices for entering a promotion and winning on the iOS CliquePrize mobile app. Each Contestant agrees to these terms prior to using the CliquePrize mobile app.","contestants-terms",[],"9ca9f034-6ed6-4fb3-9fda-986ecc0bacc5",[],{"_uid":3002,"link":3003,"title":2420,"component":48},"96a0de0f-87f8-4c76-bf98-2ef13c5385bf",{"id":3004,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":3005,"story":3006},"7e4cc6b6-b94f-496d-9688-f13bf45aed3d","legal/contestants-privacy",{"name":3007,"created_at":3008,"published_at":3009,"updated_at":3010,"id":3011,"uuid":3004,"content":3012,"slug":3028,"full_slug":3005,"sort_by_date":236,"position":842,"tag_list":3029,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2381,"meta_data":236,"group_id":3030,"first_published_at":2418,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":3031,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Privacy Policy (Contestants)","2022-04-15T07:44:48.894Z","2023-08-06T00:51:11.888Z","2023-08-06T00:51:11.914Z",125808184,{"_uid":2398,"body":3013,"file":16,"meta":3023,"layout":241,"component":242},[3014,3019],{"_uid":3015,"copy":16,"link":3016,"image":3017,"bg_color":188,"headline":2404,"subtitle":3018,"component":276},"4e64042b-9ee1-4b51-bfae-d5085ec7d757",[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},"For Contestants ",{"_uid":3020,"content":3021,"heading":3022,"component":1299},"db373913-cc39-4517-b7aa-314a07499a76","**Effective Date: March 7, 2022**\n\nCliquePrize® respects your privacy. This privacy policy describes what personal information we collect from you, how we use and share it, and your rights and choices regarding your information, including whether or not to share it with us. By accessing the CliquePrize® Mobile App (hereafter referred to as \"the App\") or ordering or subscribing to our products or services you agree to this privacy policy. It also applies to information we collect on the App, as well as in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (hereafter referred to as \"us\" or \"we\"). It does not apply to information collected by us offline or through any other means, including on any other website operated by us or a third party or collected by any third party that may link to or be accessible through the App. If you do not agree to be bound by this policy, you may choose not to access or use the App. Additional specific policies or agreements may apply to certain products and services. If such policies or agreements conflict with this policy, the terms of those policies or agreements will prevail.\n\n## Children’s Privacy\n\nThe App is not intended for or designed to attract children under the age of 18, and we will not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children we actually know are under 18.\n\n## Links to Third-Party Sites and Features\n\nThe App may include links to or direct you to other applications or websites. The App also may allow you to use certain features and plug-ins that integrate third-party social media sites and other third-party features and tools. This Privacy Policy applies to any personal information you provide with purchases and interactions made directly through the App. Once you leave the App and are directed to another site or application, however, this policy and our Terms of Use no longer apply and the terms and policies on such third-party site apply. You have the choice whether to access the links to these sites or activate the features. This privacy policy does not apply to any third-party linked sites, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of such external sites. We encourage you to consult the privacy policies of such sites before sharing any personal information through them, initiating your transaction or activating the features.\n\n## Third-Party Vendors\n\nWe may share your personal information with third-party agents, contractors, service providers, and suppliers who assist in providing support and services to our entities. When we do so, we require those third parties to protect your personal information in accordance with this policy and applicable laws. Once you leave the App and are directed to another site or application, however, this policy and our Terms of Use no longer apply and the terms and policies on such third-party site apply.\n\n## Types of Information We Collect\n\nIt is your decision whether to provide information that we request. Please know that, if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide you with a relevant service or feature of the App.\n\nBelow are the types of information we may collect about you.\n\n**Personal Information**. Personal information is information that identifies or is capable of identifying you as an individual. We collect personal information from you when you voluntarily provide it to us, such as by creating a user account, participating in promotions such as Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Contests, Events, Raffles or Instant Win, signing up for email updates, or responding to surveys, offers, and other communications. We also may collect personal information about you from your use of our products and services or through our partners and other publicly and commercially available sources. Personal information we collect from you may include:\n\n●\tContact information such as first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code;\n\n●\tPreferences information such as purchase history (Sponsors only) and email marketing preferences;\n\n●\tLog-in information such as username, personal account number, and password, and log-in information for social media, Google or Apple accounts if you log into the App through such accounts; and\n\n●\tOther information you choose to provide, such as comments, questions, and requests. You agree not to provide through use of the App any sensitive personal information, including information relating to medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or sexuality.\n\n**Cookies and Similar Technologies**. We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies on the App. Cookies are text files we place on your computer or device browser to store your preferences. Information that may be collected through the use of these technologies includes the Internet Protocol address automatically assigned to your computer, your browser type, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visit and the amount of time spent on each, your device’s operating system, your mobile device identifier, your geographical area, referring URLs, and other information on your interaction with the App. Please see our Cookies Policy to learn how we use cookies, how our partners may use cookies on the App, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies. You can modify your cookie settings or turn off all or certain types of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Please note, however, that if you delete or turn off cookies, you may not have access to some of the features that make your experience on the App, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our services may not function properly.\n\n**Aggregate and Anonymous Information**. Sometimes we use aggregate or anonymous information. Anonymous information is data where all information that enabled you to be identified has been removed. Aggregate information is anonymous data collected about a group of users or other categories. Your personal information is not included in aggregate or anonymous data. We may use this type of information, for example, to help us understand trends and your needs and preferences and to improve our services. This policy does not restrict our use of aggregate and anonymous information.\n\n**Email Communications**. We may use your email for promotional purposes (e.g., new product offerings, special offers by us or other third parties), newsletter, transactional emails (e.g. forgot password, login or prize notification) or upcoming promotions information. If you send an email to us, we may collect your email address and the full content of your email, including attached files, and other information you provide. You may indicate your preference to opt out of receiving promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the promotional email you receive or by contacting us directly using the contact information below. Contestants can also opt-out of emails under Settings > My Lists in the App. You acknowledge that it may take up to 10 days for us to process an opt-out request. Please note, however, that you cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to your account with us.\n\n**SMS Communications**. We may use your mobile number (via Short Message Service aka Text Message) for reasonable similar purposes as Email Communications such as prize notification and delivery status. All rates of your cellular or mobile carrier shall apply for the delivery of such messages.\n\n**How We Use Your Information**\n\nWe may use your information in the following ways:\n\n●\tTo communicate with you regarding your account;\n\n●\tTo respond to your customer service requests;\n\n●\tTo improve the content of the App;\n\n●\tTo customize the App for each individual visitor;\n\n●\tTo notify you about updates to the App;\n\n●\tTo administer a promotion, survey or other app feature;\n\n●\tTo respond to correspondence we receive from you; and\n\n●\tTo serve other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection, and as otherwise authorized or required by law.\n\n**Disclosure of Your Information**\n\nPlease note that if you enter a promotion, you are granting to us the right, upon conclusion of the promotion after the prize winner is selected, to disclose and sell to the Sponsor of that particular promotion your first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code provided upon registration for an App account, subject to the Sponsor’s agreement never to sell the data and to use it solely for purposes of promoting its business related to the promotion, and subject to all applicable laws. In the event you register your account with Apple credentials, your information will remain encrypted per Apple's terms of use and most likely will not be available to the Sponsor for purchase. The Sponsor hereby agrees to provide the Contestant a method to opt-out or unsubscribe to these marketing emails or SMS text messages at any time for any reason. If you do not wish for your information to be potentially shared with the Sponsor, you should not enter any promotion on CliquePrize®. We only share your personal information in accordance with applicable law. In addition to the foregoing, we may share your personal information with others in the following instances:\n\n●\tWhen legally required to do so;\n\n●\tAt the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation;\n\n●\tTo verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing the App and applicable laws or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the App; and\n\n●\tTo a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or other corporate change. Should such a sale occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use your information in a manner that is consistent with our privacy policy.\n\n**International Transfers of Personal Information**\n\nThe App is based in the United States of America and is subject to the laws of the United States. If you are a user outside of the United States, please know that any information you provide on the App may be transferred to the United States, which does not offer an equivalent level of protection to that required in certain other countries. We may transfer your personal information to third parties in other countries for the purposes described in this policy. Some local privacy laws may require us to obtain your consent before we transfer your information from your originating country to other countries. When you agree to this policy, you are, to the extent required and permitted under your local law, granting your consent to the transfer of your personal information to such other countries for the purposes described in this policy. These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. We take steps to ensure that it is adequately protected in compliance with applicable laws, including ensuring appropriate security measures are in place and requiring the third parties to protect your personal information in accordance with this policy, or obtaining your consent where required.\n\n**How We Protect Your Information**\n\nWe implement a variety of security measures when you enter, submit, or access your information to maintain the safety of your personal information. Your personal information is contained behind highly secured networks (Microsoft Azure) and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems and are required to keep the information confidential. You should be aware that such security measures cannot prevent all loss, misuse or alteration of personal information, and we are not responsible for any damages or liabilities relating to any such incidents to the fullest extent permitted by law. Where required under law, we will notify you of any such loss, misuse or alteration of personal information that may affect you so that you can take the appropriate actions to protect your rights.\n\n**How Long We Retain Your Information**\n\nWe retain your information only as long as necessary to provide our services to you, enhance your user experience, and otherwise as necessary for our operations or as permitted or required by applicable laws.\n\n**Legal Basis for Use of Your Personal Information (GDPR)**\n\nThe General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, governs privacy practices involving individuals in the European Union and the European Economic Area and certain other transactions related to those areas. If the GDPR applies to your personal information that we have collected, our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information will depend on the personal information concerned and the context in which it is collected, including legitimate business purposes, as necessary to provide products and services to you or respond to your inquiries and requests, with your consent, to comply with applicable laws, or when there is a legitimate and overriding interest that necessitates the use.\n\n**How to Access and Control your Information**\n\nYou may change your privacy settings at any time by contacting us using the contact information below. You may indicate your options to:\n\n●\tModify, update, and delete your user account;\n\n●\tOpt in or out of subscriptions to newsletters, mailings, and other communications and alerts; Contestants can also manage this under Settings > My Lists inside the App;\n\n●\tOpt in or out of receiving offers and promotions; and\n\n●\tOpt in or out of sharing your personal information with others so they can send you offers and promotions, except to the extent you have already entered a promotion. If you enter a promotion, you are granting to us the right, upon conclusion of the promotion after the prize winner is selected, to disclose and sell to the Sponsor of that particular promotion your first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code provided upon registration for an App account, subject to the Sponsor’s agreement never to sell the data and to use it solely for purposes of promoting its business related to the promotion, and subject to all applicable laws. This shall also include the Sponsor's responsibility to provide the Contestant a method and ability to opt-out of such marketing communications.\n\nIn the event a Contestant wins a physical prize of a promotion, this individual shall be required to provide the Sponsor temporary access to that user's mailing address for the delivery of the prize through the App. Once the prize has been delivered and therefore redeemed, the Contestant's address shall no longer be visible or made available to the Sponsor for re-use through the App. CliquePrize® will also delete such mailing address as we only store Contestant physical or mailing addresses temporarily until the prize delivery has been confirmed.\n\nYou may contact us to request a copy of the information we have collected about you, request to correct or update any information we have about you, or request deletion of your account or personal information. Following a request for deletion, we will delete your information unless required to retain it by applicable laws, and except to the extent you have already entered a promotion and such information has been disclosed or sold to the particular Sponsor of the promotion with your consent as provided above. We may also retain certain of your information if necessary for safety or security, fraud prevention, quality assurance, or other legitimate business interests, and only in accordance with applicable laws.\n\nYou may withdraw any consent you have granted to our collection and use of your personal information at any time, subject to our right to continue to use your personal information as permitted or required under applicable laws. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of our collection or use of your personal information prior to withdrawal.\n\n**Modification of Our Privacy Policy**\n\nWe may modify our privacy policy from time to time. When we modify our privacy policy, we will notify you by a posting through the App. Any changes will become effective as of the date of posting with respect to information we then collect in the future. We will treat all personal information we collect, however, in accordance with the privacy policy in effect at the time the information is collected. We urge you to review this privacy policy often so you are always fully informed.\n\n**How to Contact Us**\n\nYou can submit questions, comments, and complaints about our privacy policy and practices at the following:\n\nCliquePrize®, a mobile app of the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC \nMailing Address: 4112 Nolensville Road #111751, Nashville, TN 37222 \nEmail: contestants(at)cliqueprize.com or sponsors(at)cliqueprize.com\n\nYour Local Data Protection Authority\n\nUnder certain local laws, you may have the right to submit a complaint regarding our collection and use of your personal information to your local data protection authority. Please consult this link for further information: \u003Chttps://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en> \n \nWe partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve and market our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. Additionally, we use this information for site optimization, fraud/security purposes, and advertising. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).","Full text of Privacy Policy for Contestants",[3024],{"_uid":2411,"image":3025,"title":3026,"component":239,"description":3027},{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Contestants Privacy Policy","Contestant Privacy Policy include legal notices for entering a promotion and winning on the iOS CliquePrize® mobile app. Each Contestant agrees to this Privacy Policy prior to using the CliquePrize® mobile app.","contestants-privacy",[],"f56a79cf-5034-4172-8337-7fbeb6b37596",[],{"_uid":3033,"link":3034,"title":641,"component":48},"57cf81f8-8b2d-4cd4-abd5-e19a63f99333",{"id":728,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":3035,"story":3036},"legal/contestants-faqs",{"name":3037,"created_at":3038,"published_at":3039,"updated_at":3040,"id":3041,"uuid":728,"content":3042,"slug":840,"full_slug":729,"sort_by_date":236,"position":1265,"tag_list":3130,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2593,"meta_data":236,"group_id":3131,"first_published_at":3132,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":3133,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"FAQ's (Contestants)","2022-04-15T08:02:49.782Z","2024-04-14T01:17:29.894Z","2024-04-14T01:17:29.922Z",125808386,{"_uid":3043,"body":3044,"file":16,"meta":3124,"layout":241,"component":242},"8ccb89cc-b03e-4cf1-b165-d9451161797c",[3045,3049],{"_uid":3046,"copy":16,"link":3047,"image":3048,"bg_color":273,"headline":2438,"subtitle":2987,"component":276},"4e607414-9d0e-402b-ba19-a8998b80b50d",[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},{"_uid":3050,"faqs":3051,"heading":2584,"component":2585},"3bb2e082-3078-4c9b-8f30-24ac8339b78b",[3052,3055,3058,3062,3066,3070,3074,3078,3081,3084,3088,3091,3095,3098,3102,3105,3108,3112,3115,3119,3121],{"_uid":3053,"answer":3054,"question":617,"component":618},"d6b557a4-b54d-43bd-bc60-df54dcae6fbb","Its honestly a play on words. Rather than Click Prize, we see our promotions as always being local and exclusive to a community - much like a Clique. Sometimes, our mobile app handles the hosting of Private Promotions on an invite-only basis. Those are even more selective as only Contestants that Sponsor invite can enter. \n\nRegardless, it only takes 1 click to win a Sweepstakes (if you are picked) and the idea was to make entering promotions not only fun and easy but also local. Your odds of winning increase since the Promotions aren’t national and the prizes are also from local businesses in your area that you care about. ",{"_uid":3056,"answer":3057,"question":626,"component":618},"4269159b-0845-4314-bac0-b725fa2654f3","Nothing. Contestants never pay for CliquePrize and its forever free for Contestants. In exchange for winning free prizes from Sponsors, you do however agree to receive marketing from Sponsors. You can, however, opt-out of Marketing emails or texts at any time.\n",{"_uid":3059,"answer":3060,"question":3061,"component":618},"3f5b8667-8ee4-44f3-b1e8-d18a64c7d1e5","Yes absolutely. Our brand new [Contestant Training Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-To_J_tibjU) has all the step by step instructions on how to use the CliquePrize® iPhone mobile app as a Contestant. It’s approximately 17 minutes long. ","As a Contestant, how do I use CliquePrize®? Is there any training provided?",{"_uid":3063,"answer":3064,"question":3065,"component":618},"1c4c4b46-9d3b-4653-bd25-cf7586509929","18. You must be at least 18 years old to create a CliquePrize® Contestant account and win a prize. This is because in most U.S. states that is the legal minimum age requirement to enter a sweepstakes. CliquePrize® is only available in the United States and thus only US citizens are eligible to create accounts on the app.","What is the minimum age requirement to become a Contestant on CliquePrize® and can I enter from outside the USA?",{"_uid":3067,"answer":3068,"question":3069,"component":618},"29a6525d-efed-4795-b14c-3ba6ed9b6754","Yes, you can change your zip code and enter promotions in outside Metro Markets besides your own Metro Market. First, you must verify your location for your base Metro Market. You must have location services turned ON your iPhone when you create your account. After you've confirmed your base location, you can simply go back to My Profile and enter any zip code in the Metro Market you are traveling to and save. This will change the Metro Market to your traveling destination. One piece of advice: only enter promotions when the end date coincides with your visit. This way you can redeem the prize if you win. You are still limited to 5 entries per day so we recommend using them wisely. Either way, when you come home, simply edit/save your profile again to change your zip code back to your original one.","I want to win a promotion in another Metro Market. How do I change my zip code?",{"_uid":3071,"answer":3072,"question":3073,"component":618},"227fbfef-240a-4db7-b9ff-92d3d6a363b9","CliquePrize® is designed for local giveaways and promotions. Your zip code is matched against the largest US city in your metro market. This is typically the largest city in your US county or nearest county. Think of the metro markets as groups. You belong to a group of zip codes in a particular metro market. Thus, you will see only giveaways and promotions that are targeted for your metro market. The label (the city listed next to the pindrop) that you see is the group you belong to.\n","My zip code shows the wrong city? What gives?",{"_uid":3075,"answer":3076,"question":3077,"component":618},"0873ca4a-b9db-45a5-844c-3f50fac09ee8","Not if the prize is valued under $600. Then, there's nothing to report to Uncle Sam. However, if the prize is over $600 in ARV (Approximate Retail Value) then US Federal Law requires a 1099 form issued to you from the Sponsor. All official rules on CliquePrize® are required to list the ARV based on market value at the time of the promotion. CliquePrize® does not offer any prizes from Sponsors with an ARV over $1000 as many US states require the Sponsor to post a public bond to secure the promotion in those instances.\n","Are there any tax implications for winning on CliquePrize®?",{"_uid":3079,"answer":3080,"question":2480,"component":618},"19c1e17b-ff04-4108-9481-f0c264cd788c","No. This is strictly prohibited by CliquePrize®. If any Contestant tries to share a winning QR code printed out on paper and attempts to transfer a prize to another Contestant, the winning Contestant account will be banned from any further participation in any CliquePrize® promotions or surveys as per the CliquePrize® [Contestant User Terms](/legal/contestants-terms). CliquePrize® requires all Sponsors to scan in a winning QR code from the App itself in all circumstances.\n",{"_uid":3082,"answer":3083,"question":2547,"component":618},"df78d03e-0f50-4b7e-9b0d-4e703729a1fc","We are still in our MVP phase. We plan to expand to all 50 US states by end of 2023. We started as a desktop website called HollywoodWin.com (2003) and eventually HollywoodPrize.com (2005) before evolving into the CliquePrize® (2019) mobile app. It took 19 years to launch and get to this point but we are very excited about the future. We started in Nashville, TN since this is where our new headquarters is located. CliquePrize® is live in TN, TX, FL, CA, NY, NJ, PA, DE, NH, RI, VT, MA, CT, ME, DE, NC, SC, GA, HI, MD, VA, IL and Washington DC.\n\n",{"_uid":3085,"answer":3086,"question":3087,"component":618},"8e732a2f-bb2f-4f40-b002-9c99f08a2bef","Giveaways or Sweepstakes are like lottos except lottos always give away cash prizes. CliquePrize never offers cash prizes from Sponsors. Regardless, Sweepstakes winners like lotto winners are selected at random. Your odds of winning are solely based on the number of Contestants.\n\nContests are based on merit or effort. A boxing match is an example of a contest. The winner is not selected randomly. On CliquePrize, our Most Popular or Highest Rated surveys, polls or video contests are what determines who is eligible to win. If there’s a tie, then and only then, will a random winner be selected of the contest winner.","What’s the difference between Sweepstakes (aka Giveaways) and Contests?",{"_uid":3089,"answer":3090,"question":817,"component":618},"e23fea26-e96f-4dae-be36-ce3c6f0a359b","Doubtful. If you get caught, you’ll receive a lifetime ban from CliquePrize® unfortunately according to our User Terms. But CliquePrize® verifies the carrier of the mobile carrier attached to the mobile phone number prior to sending the text confirmation message. CliquePrize® only works with major US based mobile carriers. Virtual phone numbers, WhatsApp and various other digital VOIPs won’t work. Without that, your account will never be verified and you can’t win anything. \n",{"_uid":3092,"answer":3093,"question":3094,"component":618},"3145978c-ded9-4202-9b00-21aca72dac7f","Yes, but not from the same promotion. So if the Sponsor is offering more than 1 prize for a specific promotion, you can still only win a maximum of 1 (ONE) prize per promotion. However, you can win up to 1 (ONE) prize per promotion for as many promotions as you are entered into.\n","Can I Win More Than 1 (ONE) Prize?",{"_uid":3096,"answer":3097,"question":821,"component":618},"41e47da3-1b46-4f29-b1d1-75919e465034","Private promotions require a QR code or a 4 digit code to unlock. They are sent to you by the Sponsor on an invite-only basis. The reasons for these type of promotions vary but Events are commonly hosted on an invite-only basis for example. Public promotions are those promotions that anyone in the area (by Metro or zip code) can see and enter. There is nothing preventing all Contestants from entering a Public promotion.\n",{"_uid":3099,"answer":3100,"question":3101,"component":618},"75fa7788-4555-4fdc-b5c1-d65871b21ffa","No. The only information we collect is the following 5 pieces of information: your First Name, Last Name, mobile number, email address and zip code except when you win a Physical prize. Then and only then do we store your home or shipping address temporarily to send you the prize. Once you receive the Physical prize, your shipping address on file gets deleted. \n\nNonetheless, the Sponsor can purchase (on an optional basis) those 5 pieces of your information after the Promotion is over. But only those Sponsors whose promotions you enter can purchase it and you have already opt-ed in to receive marketing information by virtue of entering that Sponsor’s promotion. You can always opt-out at any time and CliquePrize® never sell your information twice to the same Sponsor.\n","Do you sell my information to other 3rd parties?",{"_uid":3103,"answer":3104,"question":2539,"component":618},"15727700-65f0-4396-8a68-576958aac00c","Publishers are 3rd party webmasters or website owners who work only with Sponsors to send relevant traffic to their Promotions. Basically in the form of an affiliate link exchange. You, as the Contestant, will never have to deal directly with Publishers. So no, you will never need to contact them. However, you will see a Publisher’s website 90x90 banner image when you scroll down below the Promotion’s Prize Details page for a specific promotion. If you click on those banners, you will be taken to the Publisher’s website.\n",{"_uid":3106,"answer":3107,"question":2555,"component":618},"d5e8a8f5-b08f-477d-bcc3-9915646dafb2","CliquePrize® is a mobile app of the [Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC](https://www.cinnamonentertainment.com) in Nashville, TN and founded by Rob Salerno, our President. While we own and operate 3 other websites in the recruitment, career & job industry ([NJJobMarket.com](https://www.njjobmarket.com), [MobileWirelessJobs.com](https://www.mobilewirelessjobs.com), [BioTechPharmJobs.com](https://www.biotechpharmjobs.com)) and one College Sports blog ([DreamBackfield](https://pittsburgh.sportswar.com)), this is our main Entertainment asset.",{"_uid":3109,"answer":3110,"question":3111,"component":618},"801fe2d9-7633-4959-895a-da1b644e9934","Yes. CliquePrize has implemented DoorBell.io inside our iOS Mobile app. If you encounter a bug, issue, abuse or offensive content, please use the \"Feedback\" ribbon on the lower right side of your screen once you login. Each and every issue is carefully read by our staff and will be responded to. We care about your user experience on CliquePrize.\n\n","Does CliquePrize Integrate with DoorBell.io for user feedback?",{"_uid":3113,"answer":3114,"question":2559,"component":618},"ea19eeea-9788-42f5-b00c-1672c3ec1f5e","CliquePrize® is hosted by [Microsoft Azure](https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/) cloud server technology. We are proud to say that Microsoft has a stellar reputation for web and app hosting. Nobody has successfully hacked Azure except for their database called Cosmos. Even Cosmos has seen the security flaw fixed and there is no evidence the flaw had been exploited by anyone.\n",{"_uid":3116,"answer":3117,"question":3118,"component":618},"77dde0d4-34c7-468a-84b1-19568a9bf653","The likelihood of that happening is small. All Contestants have to verify a valid email address and mobile number on CliquePrize® in order to win. Since we only send SMS Text Messages to major US carriers (e.g. AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, Spectrum Mobile, etc), it would be very difficult to verify a Contestant account using WhatsApp or any other virtual mobile phone service. Creating alias accounts will be discovered (if that happens) and the winner will be banned for life from CliquePrize® according to our Terms. It simply won’t be worth the effort since our prize values are always under $1000.\n\n","What if other Contestants try to create false identities and alias accounts to increase their odds of winning prizes?",{"_uid":3120,"answer":2566,"question":2567,"component":618},"0262d1e8-6d76-4e36-afb4-c047efac255a",{"_uid":3122,"answer":3123,"question":2579,"component":618},"d74f2e54-3dec-44f4-b871-4ca0b6333b22","Sponsors are vetted by the CliquePrize® staff prior to being accepted into our platform. Not just any Sponsor can get an account with us. We use a number of public sources to determine if the business is legitimate. If you spot any suspicious companies, tell us at contestants(at)cliqueprize.com The Sponsor is legally responsible to fulfill the original value of the prize. For example, the Sponsor can't advertise a FREE Dinner for TWO (2) in the promotion and then give the winner a pack of gum.",[3125],{"_uid":3126,"image":3127,"title":3128,"component":239,"description":3129},"c3b6d39e-f61d-4cbb-b980-cead7bf3f6b9",{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Contestants FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions ","Entrants called Contestants who Enter to Win promotions on the CliquePrize® iOS mobile app have many Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Contests, Events, Raffles and Instant Win giveaways. We are here to help answer those questions and provide information up front.",[],"1b3051f6-10a8-4031-9b67-bf9033e22a2b","2022-04-15T08:03:16.265Z",[],{"_uid":3135,"link":3136,"title":3138,"component":48},"e33e0fd5-fbcc-478a-9496-647dcd4e61bf",{"id":16,"url":3137,"linktype":46,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":3137},"https://share.hsforms.com/17UiJvvSXQDC5KPDQDOqKMA1d7zf","JackPot! 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(Publishers)","2023-02-16T23:54:45.795Z","2023-07-20T02:19:28.010Z","2023-07-20T02:19:28.036Z",262670184,{"_uid":3043,"body":3214,"file":16,"meta":3246,"layout":241,"component":242},[3215,3219],{"_uid":3046,"copy":16,"link":3216,"image":3217,"bg_color":188,"headline":2438,"subtitle":3218,"component":276},[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":236,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35,"is_external_url":38},"For Publishers",{"_uid":3050,"faqs":3220,"heading":2584,"component":2585},[3221,3224,3228,3232,3234,3237,3239,3242,3244],{"_uid":3222,"answer":3223,"question":964,"component":618},"6632cded-5d62-4e1d-bb23-62aa2f6040ef","As a Publisher, the points you earn are eligible for a number of prizes from CliquePrize itself. For example, (2) TWO FREE tickets on Ticketmaster.com to a show or sporting event. Its win-win as a Publisher to send and receive relevant traffic since all of your 90x90 banners will also be hosted on the cliqueprize.com website and indexed using an image XML image site map (for SEO). Therefore, the image is hosted on the web and accessible in the same manner as a website application from the CDN.",{"_uid":3225,"answer":3226,"question":3227,"component":618},"c90162e5-fff9-4fd1-9d1d-549581132f39","Yes absolutely. Our brand new [Publisher Training Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khS2B8KuArw&t=246s) has all the step by step instructions on how to use the CliquePrize® iPhone mobile app as a Publisher. It’s approximately 13 minutes long. ","As a Publisher, how do I use CliquePrize®? Is there any training provided?",{"_uid":3229,"answer":3230,"question":3231,"component":618},"9aa4579b-3305-45aa-bedf-9c18a2dc724e","If your 90x90 button is accepted by a Sponsor to be displayed and linked from a given promotion screen, you may potentially receive clicks and visits from Contestants who participate in the giveaway. You can customize this button to link to whatever URL on your site that you wish. However the Sponsor has the right to remove your button in the event irrelevant traffic is coming from your site. This would be determined by the Contestant entries that your site has originated. \n\nIt’s worth noting that if you participate in a specific promotion, you (the affiliate Publisher) must agree to place the Sponsor’s 300x250 specific banner on your site. The Sponsor however has the right to reject your application to participate or accept your 90x90 button and remove it at any time from the promotion screen. You can still can apply to the Sponsor’s future promotions regardless. ","How does my site get reciprocal traffic when I participate in a Sponsor’s promotion?",{"_uid":3233,"answer":967,"question":968,"component":618},"76d3b9fa-3e45-449f-adde-b6da17a25228",{"_uid":3235,"answer":3236,"question":972,"component":618},"f483b2e8-131d-4418-b62b-3c1f738d3d82","On CliquePrize, Publishers can visit My Data from the main home screen to view total Contestant clicks and registrations as well as Conversion Rate (CR). This data can be filtered by promotion or totaled by all promotions.",{"_uid":3238,"answer":975,"question":976,"component":618},"913b1206-5766-4fc2-b6c4-26d78e52849f",{"_uid":3240,"answer":3241,"question":980,"component":618},"6e4779cd-2952-4b5f-b75d-0615f23dd118","CliquePrize® makes this process very simple. You will simply click on a “Get Code” button within the CliquePrize® iPhone mobile app and copy and paste the HTML code into the appropriate page on your site. The banner will always be the same size (300x250) regardless of the Sponsor or the giveaway and it will be deep-linked into the Sponsor’s giveaway screen called the Prize Details screen for that promotion.",{"_uid":3243,"answer":983,"question":984,"component":618},"14538b48-7501-4859-98f8-7e97aff9f0b2",{"_uid":3245,"answer":3110,"question":3111,"component":618},"48e7fac2-782d-4a65-9200-7fa8e90ad81d",[3247],{"_uid":3126,"image":3248,"title":3249,"component":239,"description":3250},{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Publisher FAQs | Frequently Asked Questions ","Affiliates, called Publishers on the CliquePrize® iOS mobile app, have many Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) for Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Contests, Events, Raffles and Instant Win giveaways. We are here to help answer those questions and provide information up front.",[],"479e06fe-4a03-434c-bed2-0b5d902dd721",[],"FAQs",{"_uid":3256,"link":3257,"title":2385,"component":48},"c75a9cf1-26ed-49d5-ad93-8459a973edc1",{"id":3258,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":3259,"story":3260},"9b499678-0014-4f1c-ab65-94211f1e7e63","legal/terms-conditions-publishers",{"name":3261,"created_at":3262,"published_at":3263,"updated_at":3264,"id":3265,"uuid":3258,"content":3266,"slug":3279,"full_slug":3259,"sort_by_date":236,"position":1059,"tag_list":3280,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2381,"meta_data":236,"group_id":3281,"first_published_at":2383,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":3282,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Terms & Conditions (Publishers)","2023-05-11T14:59:23.149Z","2023-05-12T14:57:17.708Z","2023-05-12T14:57:17.735Z",306425061,{"_uid":2361,"body":3267,"meta":3274,"layout":241,"component":242},[3268,3271],{"_uid":2984,"copy":16,"link":3269,"image":3270,"bg_color":188,"headline":2367,"subtitle":3218,"component":276},[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},{"_uid":2989,"content":3272,"heading":3273,"component":1299},"**Last Updated: June 1, 2023**\n\nWelcome to CliquePrize® (the “App”), operated by Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (“we,” “us” or “Company”). These Affiliate Publisher Terms apply to you if you are a Affiliate Publisher. If you are a Sponsor, please see the Sponsor [Terms](/legal/sponsors-terms), or a Contestant, please see the Contestant [Terms](/legal/contestants-terms). Affiliate Publishers are registered users of the App who own or operate website(s) and seek relevant traffic from Sponsor promotions on the App as well as rewards such as tickets to an event for sending traffic to a giveaway from such website(s). Conversely, Contestants are registered users of the App who may participate in a limited number (5) of promotions daily for the opportunity to win prizes. Sponsors are registered users of the App who create and operate prize promotions and giveaways through the App for a fee and exchange links with Affiliate Publishers to generate traffic and Contestants to a promotion. A Contestant’s participation in a promotion constitutes Contestant’s full and unconditional acceptance of the Contestant [Terms](/legal/contestants-terms) and the CliquePrize® General Terms of Use, Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, the specific terms, rules, and policies imposed by the Sponsor for each promotion as described in the promotion listing, and the decisions of Company and Sponsor, which are final and binding in all respects (all generally, the “Terms”).\n\n## Affiliate Publisher Eligibility\n\nAn Affiliate Publisher must represent, own or operate a U.S. based website(s) or business and must be at least 18 years of age to engage in a link exchange with Sponsors. Affiliate Publishers are not eligible to win prizes from Sponsors but rather may earn rewards for a free prize from the CliquePrize® App itself (i.e. the [Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC](https://www.cinnamonentertainment.com)) based on reaching a certain number of rewards points. Affiliate Publishers shall have absolutely no relation, dealing, connection or contact with any Contestant of the CliquePrize® App.\n\n## User Account\n\nAffiliate Publishers will be required to create a user account to participate in a link exchange with Sponsor promotions on the App. When an Affiliate Publisher creates an account, Affiliate Publisher will be required to provide its first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, website URL, country, and create a password. An Affiliate Publisher will be required to verify its email address and phone number. An Affiliate Publisher will also have the opportunity to log in through third-party applications including Facebook, Google, and Apple. When an Affiliate Publisher logs in through third-party applications, the Affiliate Publisher acknowledges and understands that its personal information from such third-party applications may be shared with us. An Affiliate Publisher is limited to the creation of one account. Multiple Affiliate Publishers are not permitted to share the same email address. No automated, robotic, programmed, script, or macro accounts are permitted to be created.\n\nAll Affiliate Publishers are required to provide a mobile number from a major US wireless carrier such as AT&T, Verizon, TMobile, etc. Any online VOIP services such as Bandwidth.com, WhatsApp, TextNow, TextFree and other similar mobile apps or online text messaging providers will not be permitted on CliquePrize® and such an Affiliate Publisher accounts will be subject to suspension or lifetime ban.\n\nA promotion is defined as either a Giveaway (Sweepstakes), Contest, Event, Raffle or Instant Win with or without a prize giveaway by the Sponsor.\n\n## General Rules\n\nTHIS IS A PROMOTION. NO PURCHASE IS REQUIRED TO ENTER OR WIN FOR CONTESTANTS. PROMOTIONS ARE VOID WHERE PROHIBITED BY US LAW. ALL APPLICABLE US FEDERAL, STATE AND LOCAL LAWS AND REGULATIONS APPLY TO PROMOTIONS.\n\n## Promotions\n\nAffiliate Publishers shall participate in a given Sponsor's promotion through a trade of image links. An image link exchange shall constitute the following steps in order to occur: \n• An Affiliate Publisher shall upload a 90x90 button with a link to specific page on the Affiliate Publisher's website to the Sponsor for a specific promotion through the App \n• The Sponsor shall have time to review the button and the link requested by the Affiliate Publisher and may either accept or decline the image link request \n• If accepted, the Affiliate Publisher's 90x90 button shall appear on a specific Sponsor's promotion screen for the entire duration of the promotion or for however long the Sponsor decides to keep the button visible to Contestants; thus, the Sponsor shall have the right to remove the Affiliate Publisher's button at any time during the promotion \n• In exchange for this acceptance, the Affiliate Publisher shall agree to place a 300x250 banner from the Sponsor's specific promotion on the Affiliate Publisher's website that shall include a direct link (i.e. deep link) to the Sponsor's promotion screen for as long as the Sponsor maintains the Affiliate Publisher's 90x90 button on the promotion's screen \n• The code for the 300x250 banner from the Sponsor shall be provided by the App and shall be copied and pasted into the Affiliate Publisher's website html \n• If declined, the Publisher cannot re-apply for an image link exchange for that specific promotion but shall be permitted to apply to future promotions from the same Sponsor\n\n## Affiliate Rewards\n\nAffiliate Publishers shall get rewarded 1 (ONE) point for every valid Contestant account they generate either by traffic from the Affiliate Publisher's website or via email referral; the App shall provide live-time tracking to the Affiliate Publisher for points and accounts created; a valid Contestant account shall be defined as an unique US resident over 18 with a valid first name, last name and provides a valid mobile number (from a major US wireless carrier and not VOIP, What's App or any other online mobile number provider) as well as a valid email address and zip code.\n\n## Prizes\n\nUpon reaching 500 points, an Affiliate Publisher shall be eligible to receive tickets to an event from [Ticketmaster.com](http://Ticketmaster.com) worth up to $75. Ticket redemption, postponements and cancellations shall follow [ticketmaster.com](http://ticketmaster.com)'s website rules, terms and conditions; the App nor the Company shall be responsible for the redemption of the tickets only the purchase. Following the purchase and delivery of the tickets to the Affiliate Publisher, the Prize for the 500 point prize milestone shall be considered redeemed and fulfilled. The Affiliate Publisher may continue to earn more rewards points for future tickets and prizes accordingly.\n\n## No Professional Advice/Compliance with Laws\n\nSponsors, Contestants, Affiliate Publishers and other users of the App agree to comply with all applicable US laws, ordinances, rules, and regulations in connection with their use of the App, and nothing herein or in the App shall serve to eliminate such obligation. Nothing herein or in the App is intended to serve as legal advice or a substitute for the same regarding the presence or absence of any duty or requirement surrounding these legal obligations. The App is provided for entertainment purposes only and is not intended to provide legal, medical, financial, or other professional advice.\n\n## Release, Assumption of Risk, Disclaimers, and Indemnification\n\nAFFILIATE PUBLISHER ACKNOWLEDGES AND AGREES THAT ITS PARTICIPATION IN A LINK EXCHANGE WITH A SPONSOR AND ITS SPECIFIC PROMOTION IS VOLUNTARY. BY PARTICIPATING IN A LINK EXCHANGE FOR A SPECIFIC SPONSOR'S PROMOTION, AFFILIATE PUBLISHER ACKNOWLEDGES AND ASSUMES ALL RISKS AND DANGERS ASSOCIATED WITH ITS PARTICIPATION IN THE PROMOTION. COMPANY IS NOT A PARTY TO ANY TRANSACTION BETWEEN SPONSORS AND AFFILIATE PUBLISHERS. IN NO EVENT SHALL COMPANY BE LIABLE OR RESPONSIBLE FOR SPONSOR PROMOTIONS, AFFILIATE PUBLISHER WEBSITE(S), SPONSOR CONTENT, PROMOTION PRIZES, AND FULFILLMENT OF PROMOTION PRIZES. COMPANY DOES NOT OVERSEE, CONTROL OR WARRANT THE CONTENT, ACCURACY, RELIABILITY, OR VERACITY OF SPONSOR PROMOTIONS, THE SPONSOR BULLSEYE PAGE, THE LINKS EXCHANGED BETWEEN THE SPONSOR AND THE AFFILIATE PUBLISHER. ANY TERMS, RULES OR POLICIES POSTED OR IMPOSED BY SPONSORS, GIVEAWAYS, PRIZES, SPONSOR-AFFILIATE PUBLISHER COMMUNICATIONS, OR ANY OTHER SPONSOR CONTENT. COMPANY MAKES NO WARRANTY OR REPRESENTATION REGARDING THE ELIGIBILITY, CREDENTIALS OR IDENTIFICATION OF ANY SPONSOR, CONTESTANT, AFFILIATE PUBLISHER OR OTHER USER OF THE APP. COMPANY IS NOT RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY PHYSICAL, MEDICAL, OR OTHER DAMAGE TO AFFILIATE PUBLISHER OR OTHER PERSON OR ENTITY CAUSED IN WHOLE OR IN PART BY ANY PROMOTION OR PRIZE. AFFILIATE PUBLISHER AGREES TO DEFEND, INDEMNIFY, RELEASE AND HOLD HARMLESS COMPANY AND ITS PARENTS, SUBSIDIARIES, AFFILIATES, MEMBERS, OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, EMPLOYEES, CONSULTANTS, AGENTS, REPRESENTATIVES, AND SERVICE PROVIDERS FROM AND AGAINST ANY AND ALL LOSSES, DEMANDS, DAMAGES, RIGHTS, CLAIMS, ACTIONS AND LIABILITIES OF ANY KIND ARISING OUT OF OR RELATED TO AFFILIATE PUBLISHER’S BREACH OF ANY WARRANTIES, REPRESENTATIONS, OBLIGATIONS, OR COVENANTS IN THE TERMS, PARTICIPATION IN THE PROMOTION OR IN ANY PROMOTION OR PRIZE-RELATED ACTIVITIES (INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, ANY PROPERTY LOSS, DAMAGE, PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH CAUSED TO ANY PERSON(S)). AFFILIATE PUBLISHER ASSUMES ALL LIABILITY FOR ANY INJURY, DEATH, OR DAMAGE CAUSED, OR ALLEGEDLY CAUSED, BY PARTICIPATING IN THE PROMOTION OR USE OR REDEMPTION OF PROMOTION PRIZES OR ANY USE OF THIS APP.\n\n# **End-User License Agreement**\n\n**Last Updated:** **June 1, 2023**\n\nWelcome to CliquePrize® (the “App”), operated by Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (“we,” “us” or “Company”). The App is a software program provided by Company downloaded by you through a digital distribution service (an “App Store”) account to a device that can access the App, such as a computer, cellphone, or digital tablet (a “Device”). Please read this End-User License Agreement carefully before clicking the \"I Agree\" button, downloading or using the App.\n\nThis Agreement is a legal document between you and Company and governs your use of the App. By clicking the \"I Agree\" button, downloading or using the App, you are agreeing to be bound by the terms and conditions of this Agreement. If you do not agree to the terms of this Agreement, do not click on the \"I Agree\" button, do not download or do not use the App. “You” for purposes of this Agreement includes the individual accessing or using the App or the company or other legal entity on behalf of which such individual is accessing or using the App, as applicable. In addition, to the extent the App can be accessed and used by other users via, for example, family sharing or volume purchasing, the use of the App by those users is expressly subject to this Agreement.\n\nThis Agreement, as well as our Privacy Policy, Cookies Policy, Contestant Rules and Sponsor Rules as applicable, any specific Sponsor terms, policies, or rules included in any promotion offered on the App, and any additional terms and conditions that may apply to specific sections of the App or to services available through the App or from Company, forms the entire agreement between you and Company regarding the use of the App. If such other terms or agreements conflict with this Agreement, the specific terms or agreements will prevail.\n\nThis Agreement is between you and Company only and not with the App Store. Therefore, Company is solely responsible for the App and its content. Although the App Store is not a party to this Agreement, it has the right to enforce it against you as a third-party beneficiary relating to your use of the App.\n\n## **Intellectual Property and License**\n\nThe App is licensed, not sold, to you by Company for use strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. The App, including, without limitation, all copyrights, patents, trademarks, trade secrets and other intellectual property rights, are, and shall remain, the sole and exclusive property of Company. Company grants you a revocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, limited license to download, install and use the App strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement. You may only use the App on a Device that you own or control and as permitted by the App Store's terms and conditions. The license that is granted to you by Company is solely for your personal, non-commercial purposes strictly in accordance with the terms of this Agreement.\n\nCompany shall not be obligated to indemnify or defend you with respect to any third-party claim arising out of or relating to the App. To the extent Company is required to provide indemnification by applicable law, Company, not the App Store, shall be solely responsible for the investigation, defense, settlement and discharge of any claim that the App or your use of it infringes any third-party intellectual property rights.\n\n### **License Restrictions**\n\nYou agree not to, and you will not permit others to:\n\n● License, sell, rent, lease, assign, distribute, transmit, host, outsource, disclose or otherwise commercially exploit the App or make the App available to any third party.\n\n● Remove, alter or obscure any proprietary notice (including any notice of copyright or trademark) of Company or its affiliates, partners, suppliers or the licensors of the App.\n\n## **Modifications and Updates to the App**\n\nCompany reserves the right to modify, suspend or discontinue, temporarily or permanently, the App or any service to which it connects, with or without notice and without liability to you.\n\nCompany may from time to time provide enhancements or improvements to the features or functionality of the App, which may include patches, bug fixes, updates, upgrades and other modifications. Updates may modify or delete certain features and/or functionalities of the App. You agree that Company has no obligation to (i) provide any Updates, or (ii) continue to provide or enable any particular features and/or functionalities of the App to you. You further agree that all updates or any other modifications will be (i) deemed to constitute an integral part of the App, and (ii) subject to the terms and conditions of this Agreement.\n\n## **Maintenance and Support**\n\nCompany may not provide any maintenance or support for the download and use of the App. To the extent any maintenance or support is required by applicable law, Company, not the App Store, shall be obligated to furnish any such maintenance or support.\n\n## **Third-Party Services**\n\nThe App may display, include or make available third-party content (including data, information, applications and other products services) or provide links to third-party websites or services (“Third-Party Services”). You acknowledge and agree that Company shall not be responsible for any Third-Party Services, including their accuracy, completeness, timeliness, validity, copyright compliance, legality, decency, quality or any other aspect thereof. Company does not assume and shall not have any liability or responsibility to you or any other person or entity for any Third-Party Services.\n\nYou must comply with applicable third parties’ terms of agreement when using the App. Third-Party Services and links thereto are provided solely as a convenience to you and you access and use them entirely at your own risk and subject to such third parties’ terms and conditions.\n\n## **Term and Termination**\n\nThis Agreement shall remain in effect until terminated by you or Company. Company may, in its sole discretion, at any time and for any or no reason, suspend or terminate this Agreement with or without prior notice or your account with the App. This Agreement shall terminate immediately, without prior notice from Company, in the event you fail to comply with any provision of this Agreement. You may also terminate this Agreement by deleting the App and all copies of it from your Device.\n\nUpon termination of this Agreement, you shall cease all use of the App and delete all copies of the App from your Device. Termination of this Agreement will not limit any of Company's rights or remedies at law or in equity in case of breach by you (during the term of this Agreement) of any of your obligations under the present Agreement.\n\n## **Indemnification**\n\nYou agree to indemnify and hold Company and its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, officers, employees, agents, partners and licensors (if any) harmless from any claim or demand, including reasonable attorneys' fees, due to or arising out of your: (a) use of the App; (b) violation of this Agreement or any law or regulation; or (c) violation of any right of a third party.\n\n## **No Warranties**\n\nThe App is provided to you “AS IS” and “AS AVAILABLE” and with all faults and defects without warranty of any kind. To the maximum extent permitted under applicable law, Company, on its own behalf and on behalf of its affiliates and its and their respective licensors and service providers, expressly disclaims all warranties, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise, with respect to the App, including all implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement, and warranties that may arise out of course of dealing, course of performance, usage or trade practice. Without limitation to the foregoing, Company provides no warranty, promises or undertaking, and makes no representation of any kind that the App will meet your requirements, achieve any intended results, be compatible or work with any other software, applications, systems or services, operate without interruption, meet any performance or reliability standards or be error free or that any errors or defects can or will be corrected.\n\nWithout limiting the foregoing, neither Company nor any of Company’s providers makes any representation or warranty or promise of any kind, express or implied: (i) as to the operation or availability of the App, or the information, content, and materials or products included thereon; (ii) that the App will be uninterrupted or error-free; (iii) as to the accuracy, reliability, or currency of any information or content provided through the App; or (iv) that the App, its servers, the content, or e-mails sent from or on behalf of Company are free of hackers, viruses, scripts, trojan horses, worms, malware, timebombs or other harmful components.\n\nSome jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion of certain types of warranties or limitations on applicable statutory rights of a consumer, so some or all of the above exclusions and limitations may not apply to you. But in such a case the exclusions and limitations set forth in this section shall be applied to the greatest extent enforceable under applicable law. To the extent any warranty exists under law that cannot be disclaimed, Company, not the App Store, shall be solely responsible for such warranty.\n\n## **Limitation of Liability**\n\nNotwithstanding any damages you might incur, the entire liability of Company and any of its suppliers under any provision of this Agreement and your exclusive remedy for all of the foregoing shall be limited to the amount actually paid by you for or through the App or 100 USD if you have not purchased anything through the App.\n\nTo the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, in no event shall Company or its suppliers be liable for any special, incidental, indirect, or consequential damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, loss of data or other information, business interruption, personal injury, loss of privacy arising out of or in any way related to the use of or inability to use the App, third-party software and/or third-party hardware used with the App, or otherwise in connection with any provision of this Agreement), even if Company or any supplier has been advised of the possibility of such damages and even if the remedy fails of its essential purpose. Some states and jurisdictions do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation or exclusion may not apply to you.\n\nYou expressly understand and agree that the App Store, its subsidiaries and affiliates, and its licensors shall not be liable to you under any theory of liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, special consequential or exemplary damages that may be incurred by you, including any loss of data, whether or not the App Store or its representatives have been advised of or should have been aware of the possibility of any such losses arising.\n\n## **Severability and Waiver**\n\nIf any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable or invalid, such provision will be changed and interpreted to accomplish the objectives of such provision to the greatest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining provisions will continue in full force and effect.\n\nExcept as provided herein, the failure to exercise a right or to require performance of an obligation under this Agreement shall not affect a party’s ability to exercise such right or require such performance at any time thereafter nor shall the waiver of a breach constitute a waiver of any subsequent breach.\n\n## **Product Claims**\n\nCompany does not make any warranties concerning the App. To the extent you have any claim arising from or relating to your use of the App, Company, not the App Store, is responsible for addressing any such claims, which may include, without limitation: (i) any product liability claims; (ii) any claim that the App fails to conform to any applicable legal or regulatory requirement; and (iii) any claim arising under consumer protection, or similar legislation.\n\n**International Use and Export Controls**\n\nThe App is operated from its location in the United States of America. Company does not represent that the App is appropriate or available for use in all jurisdictions, and not all of our products or services discussed on the App are available in all jurisdictions or appropriate or available for use outside the United States. Company prohibits accessing content from within jurisdictions where such content is illegal. If you choose to access the App from outside the United States, you do so on your own initiative and are solely responsible for complying with applicable local laws, including applicable laws regarding the transmission of data exported from the United States or the country in which you reside. Certain software and services offered on or through the App may be subject to United States export controls and economic sanctions laws. In particular, but without limitation, software and software services through the App may not be exported to any U.S.-embargoed countries or anyone on the U.S. Treasury Department’s list of Specially Designated Nationals or the U.S. Department of Commerce Denied Person’s List or Entity List.\n\n## **Changes to this Agreement**\n\nCompany reserves the right, at its sole discretion, to modify or replace this Agreement at any time. When we modify or replace the Agreement, we will notify you by posting on the App. You must discontinue using the App if you disagree with the modifications. Any changes will become effective as of the date of posting. By continuing to access or use the App after any revisions become effective, you agree to be bound by the modified or replaced Agreement. If you do not agree to the modified or replaced Agreement, you are no longer authorized to use the App.\n\n## **Governing Law**\n\nThis Agreement is governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of Tennessee, United States of America, without giving effect to the principles of conflicts of laws of such state and are binding on you in the United States and worldwide. Except as otherwise stated in this Agreement, Company makes no representation that the App is appropriate, legal or available for use in other locations. Accordingly, if you choose to use the App, you agree to do so subject to the internal laws of the State of Tennessee. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods does not apply to the interpretation or construction of this Agreement.\n\n## **Entire Agreement**\n\nCompany’s General Terms of Use, Affiliate Publisher Terms (if you are an Affiliate Publisher ), Contestant Terms (if you are a Contestant), Sponsor Terms (if you are a Sponsor), Privacy Policy and Cookies Policy are binding parts of this Agreement, and together with this Agreement and any other specific terms or agreements in connection with a particular feature of or through the App constitute the entire agreement between you and us with respect to your use of the App.\n\n## **Contact Us**\n\nIf you have any questions about this Agreement, you may contact us at the following:\n\nCinnamon Entertainment Group LLC \n4112 Nolensville Road #111751 \nNashville, TN 37222 USA \npublishers(at)cliqueprize.com","Full text of our Terms & Conditions for Publishers",[3275],{"_uid":2375,"image":3276,"title":3277,"component":239,"description":3278},{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Publishers Affiliate Terms & Conditions | Legal Notices","Publishers Affiliate Terms & Conditions include legal notices for entering a promotion and winning on the iOS CliquePrize mobile app. Each Affiliate Publisher agrees to these terms prior to using the CliquePrize mobile app.","terms-conditions-publishers",[],"eca89e11-386a-4f1c-b7e0-3482049265ce",[],{"_uid":3284,"link":3285,"title":2420,"component":48},"39f03ee0-57b8-421f-86f0-d5f85846a9dd",{"id":3286,"url":16,"linktype":17,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":3287,"story":3288},"4169fa52-7a35-481d-a385-8293bdce8be9","legal/privacy-policy-publishers",{"name":3289,"created_at":3290,"published_at":3291,"updated_at":3292,"id":3293,"uuid":3286,"content":3294,"slug":3308,"full_slug":3287,"sort_by_date":236,"position":842,"tag_list":3309,"is_startpage":38,"parent_id":2381,"meta_data":236,"group_id":3310,"first_published_at":2418,"release_id":236,"lang":241,"path":236,"alternates":3311,"default_full_slug":236,"translated_slugs":236,"_stopResolving":208},"Privacy Policy (Publishers)","2023-05-11T14:59:47.285Z","2023-08-06T00:50:55.825Z","2023-08-06T00:50:55.843Z",306425406,{"_uid":2398,"body":3295,"file":16,"meta":3303,"layout":241,"component":242},[3296,3300],{"_uid":3015,"copy":16,"link":3297,"image":3298,"bg_color":188,"headline":2404,"subtitle":3299,"component":276},[],{"id":236,"alt":236,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":236,"filename":16,"copyright":236,"fieldtype":35},"For Affiliate Publishers",{"_uid":3020,"content":3301,"heading":3302,"component":1299},"**Effective Date: June 1, 2023**\n\nCliquePrize® respects your privacy. This privacy policy describes what personal information we collect from you, how we use and share it, and your rights and choices regarding your information, including whether or not to share it with us. By accessing the CliquePrize® Mobile App (hereafter referred to as \"the App\") or ordering or subscribing to our products or services you agree to this privacy policy. It also applies to information we collect on the App, as well as in email, text, and other electronic messages between you and the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC (hereafter referred to as \"us\" or \"we\"). It does not apply to information collected by us offline or through any other means, including on any other website operated by us or a third party or collected by any third party that may link to or be accessible through the App. If you do not agree to be bound by this policy, you may choose not to access or use the App. Additional specific policies or agreements may apply to certain products and services. If such policies or agreements conflict with this policy, the terms of those policies or agreements will prevail.\n\n## Children’s Privacy\n\nThe App is not intended for or designed to attract children under the age of 18, and we will not knowingly solicit or collect personal information from children we actually know are under 18.\n\n## Links to Third-Party Sites and Features\n\nThe App may include links to or direct you to other applications or websites. The App also may allow you to use certain features and plug-ins that integrate third-party social media sites and other third-party features and tools. This Privacy Policy applies to any personal information you provide with purchases and interactions made directly through the App. Once you leave the App and are directed to another site or application, however, this policy and our Terms of Use no longer apply and the terms and policies on such third-party site apply. You have the choice whether to access the links to these sites or activate the features. This privacy policy does not apply to any third-party linked sites, and we are not responsible for the privacy practices or the contents of such external sites. We encourage you to consult the privacy policies of such sites before sharing any personal information through them, initiating your transaction or activating the features.\n\n## Third-Party Vendors\n\nWe may share your personal information with third-party agents, contractors, service providers, and suppliers who assist in providing support and services to our entities. When we do so, we require those third parties to protect your personal information in accordance with this policy and applicable laws. Once you leave the App and are directed to another site or application, however, this policy and our Terms of Use no longer apply and the terms and policies on such third-party site apply.\n\n## Types of Information We Collect\n\nIt is your decision whether to provide information that we request. Please know that, if you choose not to do so, we may not be able to provide you with a relevant service or feature of the App.\n\nBelow are the types of information we may collect about you.\n\n**Personal Information**. Personal information is information that identifies or is capable of identifying you as an individual. We collect personal information from you when you voluntarily provide it to us, such as by creating a user account, participating in promotions such as Giveaways (Sweepstakes), Contests, Events, Raffles or Instant Win, signing up for email updates, or responding to surveys, offers, and other communications. We also may collect personal information about you from your use of our products and services or through our partners and other publicly and commercially available sources. Personal information we collect from you may include:\n\n●\tContact information such as first and last name, email address, mobile phone number, and zip code;\n\n●\tPreferences information such as points history (Affiliate Publishers) and email marketing preferences;\n\n●\tLog-in information such as username, personal account number, and password, and log-in information for social media, Google or Apple accounts if you log into the App through such accounts; and\n\n●\tOther information you choose to provide, such as comments, questions, and requests. You agree not to provide through use of the App any sensitive personal information, including information relating to medical or health conditions, racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership or sexuality.\n\n**Cookies and Similar Technologies**. We and our partners use cookies and similar technologies on the App. Cookies are text files we place on your computer or device browser to store your preferences. Information that may be collected through the use of these technologies includes the Internet Protocol address automatically assigned to your computer, your browser type, the date and time of your visit, the pages you visit and the amount of time spent on each, your device’s operating system, your mobile device identifier, your geographical area, referring URLs, and other information on your interaction with the App. Please see our Cookies Policy to learn how we use cookies, how our partners may use cookies on the App, your choices regarding cookies and further information about cookies. You can modify your cookie settings or turn off all or certain types of cookies by adjusting your browser settings. Please note, however, that if you delete or turn off cookies, you may not have access to some of the features that make your experience on the App, you may not be able to store your preferences, and some of our services may not function properly.\n\n**Aggregate and Anonymous Information**. Sometimes we use aggregate or anonymous information. Anonymous information is data where all information that enabled you to be identified has been removed. Aggregate information is anonymous data collected about a group of users or other categories. Your personal information is not included in aggregate or anonymous data. We may use this type of information, for example, to help us understand trends and your needs and preferences and to improve our services. This policy does not restrict our use of aggregate and anonymous information.\n\n**Email Communications**. We may use your email for promotional purposes (e.g., new product offerings, special offers by us or other third parties), newsletter, transactional emails (e.g. forgot password, login or prize notification) or upcoming promotions information. If you send an email to us, we may collect your email address and the full content of your email, including attached files, and other information you provide. You may indicate your preference to opt out of receiving promotional communications by following the unsubscribe instructions provided in the promotional email you receive or by contacting us directly using the contact information below. Contestants can also opt-out of emails under Settings > My Lists in the App. You acknowledge that it may take up to 10 days for us to process an opt-out request. Please note, however, that you cannot opt out of receiving transactional emails related to your account with us.\n\n**SMS Communications**. We may use your mobile number (via Short Message Service aka Text Message) for reasonable similar purposes as Email Communications such as prize notification and delivery status. All rates of your cellular or mobile carrier shall apply for the delivery of such messages.\n\n**How We Use Your Information**\n\nWe may use your information in the following ways:\n\n●\tTo communicate with you regarding your account;\n\n●\tTo respond to your customer service requests;\n\n●\tTo improve the content of the App;\n\n●\tTo customize the App for each individual visitor;\n\n●\tTo notify you about updates to the App;\n\n●\tTo administer a promotion, survey or other app feature;\n\n●\tTo respond to correspondence we receive from you; and\n\n●\tTo serve other purposes for which we provide specific notice at the time of collection, and as otherwise authorized or required by law.\n\n**Disclosure of Your Information**\n\nPlease note that if you enter into an Image Link Exchange with a Sponsor of a particular promotion, you agree to share your website URL and description to that Sponsor that you provided upon registration for an App account, subject to the Sponsor’s agreement never to sell this data and to use it solely for purposes of promoting its business related to the promotion, and subject to all applicable laws. In the event you register your account with Apple credentials, your information will remain encrypted per Apple's terms of use. We only share your personal information in accordance with applicable US law. In addition to the foregoing, we may share your personal information with others in the following instances:\n\n●\tWhen legally required to do so;\n\n●\tAt the request of governmental authorities conducting an investigation;\n\n●\tTo verify or enforce compliance with the policies governing the App and applicable laws or to protect against misuse or unauthorized use of the App; and\n\n●\tTo a successor entity in connection with a corporate merger, consolidation, sale of assets or other corporate change. Should such a sale occur, we will use reasonable efforts to direct the transferee to use your information in a manner that is consistent with our privacy policy.\n\n**International Transfers of Personal Information**\n\nThe App is based in the United States of America and is subject to the laws of the United States. If you are a user outside of the United States, please know that any information you provide on the App may be transferred to the United States, which does not offer an equivalent level of protection to that required in certain other countries. We may transfer your personal information to third parties in other countries for the purposes described in this policy. Some local privacy laws may require us to obtain your consent before we transfer your information from your originating country to other countries. When you agree to this policy, you are, to the extent required and permitted under your local law, granting your consent to the transfer of your personal information to such other countries for the purposes described in this policy. These countries may not have the same data protection laws as the country in which you initially provided the information. We take steps to ensure that it is adequately protected in compliance with applicable laws, including ensuring appropriate security measures are in place and requiring the third parties to protect your personal information in accordance with this policy, or obtaining your consent where required.\n\n**How We Protect Your Information**\n\nWe implement a variety of security measures when you enter, submit, or access your information to maintain the safety of your personal information. Your personal information is contained behind highly secured networks (Microsoft Azure) and is only accessible by a limited number of persons who have special access rights to such systems and are required to keep the information confidential. You should be aware that such security measures cannot prevent all loss, misuse or alteration of personal information, and we are not responsible for any damages or liabilities relating to any such incidents to the fullest extent permitted by law. Where required under law, we will notify you of any such loss, misuse or alteration of personal information that may affect you so that you can take the appropriate actions to protect your rights.\n\n**How Long We Retain Your Information**\n\nWe retain your information only as long as necessary to provide our services to you, enhance your user experience, and otherwise as necessary for our operations or as permitted or required by applicable laws.\n\n**Legal Basis for Use of Your Personal Information (GDPR)**\n\nThe General Data Protection Regulation, or GDPR, governs privacy practices involving individuals in the European Union and the European Economic Area and certain other transactions related to those areas. If the GDPR applies to your personal information that we have collected, our legal basis for collecting and using your personal information will depend on the personal information concerned and the context in which it is collected, including legitimate business purposes, as necessary to provide products and services to you or respond to your inquiries and requests, with your consent, to comply with applicable laws, or when there is a legitimate and overriding interest that necessitates the use.\n\n**How to Access and Control your Information**\n\nYou may change your privacy settings at any time by contacting us using the contact information below. You may indicate your options to:\n\n●\tModify, update, and delete your user account;\n\n●\tOpt in or out of subscriptions to newsletters, mailings, and other communications and alerts; Affiliate Publishers can also manage this under Settings > My Lists inside the App;\n\n●\tOpt in or out of receiving offers and promotions; and\n\n●\tOpt in or out of sharing your personal information with others\n\nYou may contact us to request a copy of the information we have collected about you, request to correct or update any information we have about you, or request deletion of your account or personal information. Following a request for deletion, we will delete your information unless required to retain it by applicable US laws, and except to the extent you have already entered an Image Link Exchange with a specific Sponsor promotion and such information has been disclosed or sold to the particular Sponsor of the promotion with your consent as provided above. We may also retain certain of your information if necessary for safety or security, fraud prevention, quality assurance, or other legitimate business interests, and only in accordance with applicable US laws.\n\nYou may withdraw any consent you have granted to our collection and use of your personal information at any time, subject to our right to continue to use your personal information as permitted or required under applicable laws. Such withdrawal will not affect the lawfulness of our collection or use of your personal information prior to withdrawal.\n\n**Modification of Our Privacy Policy**\n\nWe may modify our privacy policy from time to time. When we modify our privacy policy, we will notify you by a posting through the App. Any changes will become effective as of the date of posting with respect to information we then collect in the future. We will treat all personal information we collect, however, in accordance with the privacy policy in effect at the time the information is collected. We urge you to review this privacy policy often so you are always fully informed.\n\n**How to Contact Us**\n\nYou can submit questions, comments, and complaints about our privacy policy and practices at the following:\n\nCliquePrize®, a mobile app of the Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC \nMailing Address: 4112 Nolensville Road #111751, Nashville, TN 37222 \nEmail: publishers(at)cliqueprize.com\n\nYour Local Data Protection Authority\n\nUnder certain local laws, you may have the right to submit a complaint regarding our collection and use of your personal information to your local data protection authority. Please consult this link for further information: \u003Chttps://edpb.europa.eu/about-edpb/board/members_en> \n \nWe partner with Microsoft Clarity and Microsoft Advertising to capture how you use and interact with our website through behavioral metrics, heatmaps, and session replay to improve and market our products/services. Website usage data is captured using first and third-party cookies and other tracking technologies to determine the popularity of products/services and online activity. Additionally, we use this information for site optimization, fraud/security purposes, and advertising. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit the [Microsoft Privacy Statement](https://privacy.microsoft.com/privacystatement).","Full text of Privacy Policy for Affiliate Publishers",[3304],{"_uid":2411,"image":3305,"title":3306,"component":239,"description":3307},{"id":235,"alt":16,"name":16,"focus":236,"title":16,"filename":237,"copyright":16,"fieldtype":35},"Publishers Affiliate Privacy Policy","Affiliate Publishes Privacy Policy include legal notices for entering a promotion and winning on the iOS CliquePrize® mobile app. Each Affiliate Publisher agrees to this Privacy Policy prior to using the CliquePrize® mobile app.","privacy-policy-publishers",[],"23e3653c-908b-466c-a1e1-8aeadb096786",[],[3313],{"_uid":3314,"link":3315,"title":3317,"component":48},"1f002267-8fb3-4f9b-b7c5-73aad65413b2",{"id":16,"url":3316,"linktype":46,"fieldtype":18,"cached_url":3316},"https://www.cinnamonentertainment.com/","Cinnamon Entertainment Group LLC",70,[],"05e3df63-e784-464f-aad2-715e53c06b4a","2022-03-30T14:13:53.000Z","https://www.cliqueprize.com/sponsors",[],{"env":3325,"name":3326,"url":3327},"production","nuxt-app","https://www.cliqueprize.com",["Set",3329],"$oieNZtZfvS",["ShallowReactive",3331],{"{\"version\":\"published\",\"resolve_links\":\"story\"}/settings":-1,"yVfy8BeToq":-1},"/sitemap",["Reactive",3334],{"siteStore":3335},{"pageContent":16,"pageTitle":16,"pageSchema":3336,"scrollPastHeader":38,"settings":10,"overlayActive":38,"sheetActive":38,"scrollingUp":208,"pageOrigin":16,"posts":16,"fullSlug":16,"layout":3337},[],"sitemap",1737419404237]